The Haven Technologies New Business Solution is a component within the Haven Technologies all in one Quote to Claim digital insurance platform. The platform can be offered all in one or by individual components. New Business is a component that is also offered as an individual component that can integrate with the rest of the carrier's ecosystem.
The Haven Technologies New Business Solution offers a flexible digital experience on a modern technology platform. The New Business Solution offers direct to consumer and Advisor experiences for captive, independent, and third party distribution channels. The platform currently supports Life Insurance, Annuities, and Disability Income products.
The uniqueness of the Haven Technologies New Business Solution is that it uses API’s to serve up the application questions to the native Haven Tech New Business front-end, which enables easy integration into any other non-Haven Tech new business front-end. This capability also allows for easy integration for embedded insurance solutions.
Key Features
Key Features Include:
Reflexive questions capability
Built on modern cloud technology
Direct to Consumer experience, as well as Advisor experiences for captive, independent and third party channels
Producer dashboard with detailed statusing of all of the producers business
Solution offers a native front-end, but the API architecture allows easy integration into other new business front-ends and embedded insurance offerings
Key Benefits
Key Benefits:
Reflexive questions and streamlined customer experience allow for a quick application submission process.
API architecture allows flexible offering of a native front-end with easy integration into other front-ends or embedded insurance.
The API architecture allows one set of consistent application questions to be served up to multiple front-ends, resulting in lower delivery cost, easier maintenance, and higher quality.
Configurability of the platform allows for simple product development resulting in quicker speed to market.