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unstructured data fraud. It syndicates document and image fraud insights into a single, powerful platform – leveraging authoritative data and technology capable of seeing what the human eye cannot. SynDOC is the only fraud-focused unstructured data tool with this syndicated intelligence. As a result, it delivers need-to-know information you’d never otherwise find, and instantly removes risky investigative silos. Fraud teams are empowered to make fairer, faster decisions and eliminate the unstructured data unknowns that lead to losses and slowdowns.

Key Features

SynDOC combines the best of Synectics Solutions’ capabilities into one powerful platform. It checks evidence against files submitted to SynDOC and our National SIRA risk syndicate and enhances matching with our fraudfocused metadata analysis, which quickly flags authorised templates and known fraudulent files. Key Features: Syndicated Matching Metadata Analysis Error Level Analysis Similarity Score

Key Benefits

Mitigate the evidence fraud surge: Combat an influx of DIY shallowfake and AI-generated deepfake images and documents. Make fairer fraud decisions: Streamline manual processes and deliver outcomes in reasonable timeframes, as per Consumer Duty. Eliminate investigative silos: Discover information you need but would not otherwise find by pairing holistic insight with cutting-edge technologies. Assure long-term protection: Mitigate repeat offending of unstructured data fraud by sharing evidence with the SynDOC syndicate.

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