Property Casualty Policy Administration System
EbixAdvantage is a holistic, fully integrated enterprise insurance administration system for the Property and Casualty industry. Its comprehensive design allocates all the functionality i.e. needed to process a Carrier's claims, policy administration, rating, quoting, and accounting needs.
Additionally, EbixAdvantage utilizes an easy to navigate, user friendly interface along with a single source database, which requires a single entry for most data despite what functions are later exercised and is easy to navigate. Data need to be entered once and all related policy information, such as policyholder details, documents, photos, etc., are linked for easy system-wide access of all data. This design lends to a simple, logical end-to-end processing workflow, which helps guide-users to go to the correct screen automatically while creating necessary follow-ups items, work assignments, and tracking indicators.
EbixAdvantage can also integrate seamlessly with your existing insurance applications and third party data sources. Adding more, EbixAdvantage's product-builder is rules-based and table-driven, which allows access to quick development of and modifications to insurance products and lines of business with a few necessary programming changes, if any. The most processing parameters and validation criteria are carried as easily maintainable values in relational database tables. When program changes are unavoidable, the modular design and construction techniques simplify the design and testing. This feature helps to accelerate EbixAdvantage's implementation and deployment.
Key Features
The system comes with a built-in data exchange that enables data download between carriers and agencies/brokers. It also automates the majority of workflows within a single system, including:
› Prospect/Client management› Flexible policy issuance and management› General Ledger accounting› Workflow based diary system› Claims settlement› Document generation› Submission and quote generation› Reinsurance› Agency interfacing
Enjoy quicker implementations, reduced integration work, and comprehensive functionality with EbixAdvantage.EbixAdvantage Core System Features
Screen/Process Level Security
- Set up user types
- Define access levels for user types
- Assign user types to designated users
- Insurance product management
- Flexible dialogue definition
- Distribution channel management
- Broker & contract management
- Setting up new clients
- Contact management
- Full general ledger/accounts payable
- Transaction detail accessible throughout policy, claims, & billing processes
- Multicurrency
- Multilingual
Quote Management
- Setting up submissions
- Quick quote
- Quote acceptance
- Underwriting support
- Automatic premium calculation
- Business rules maintenance
- Process integrated workflow management
- Automated work assignment & tracking
- Active task list
- Comprehensive audit trail
- Policy issuance
- Policy reference
- Renewals
- Endorsements
- Cancellations
- Reinstatements
Claims Management
- Claims adjuster setup & maintenance
- Claim hierarchy maintenance
- Instant coverage maintenance
- Claim update & settlement
- Financial processing
- Treaty definition
- Inward (accepted) reinsurance
- Outward (ceded) reinsurance
- Retrocession
- Facultative/treaty placement
- Proportional/Non-proportional
- "Catastrophe" indicators
- Reinsurance accounting with recovery tracking
- Multicurrency
- Multilingual
Front office features
With EbixAdvantage Web you can:
- Maintain a rolodex of any client, carrier, broker etc entered into the system.
- Record all actions automatically - date and time stamped
- Record your conversations, emails, notes etc to have the details available at your fingertips
- Attach files of any type - Loss runs, pictures, signed application, etc.
- Eliminate the need to find the paper file - the details entered are available at all times
- Email your documents directly to your broker
- Upload bordereau from brokers and third party claim adjusters avoiding du
Key Benefits
Broker/Agency management
With EbixAdvantage Web you get:
The flexibility of EbixAdvantage Web architecture makes it convenient to manage and work with different Brokers. Insurance company administrators/underwriters can setup new Brokers, and manage contracts based on Products and Lines of Businesses. System provides comprehensive features to manage Broker access and security rights.
EbixAdvantage Web architecture allows an insurance company to operate with brokers, agents using a single integrated system, or independent systems interacting with each other over the Internet through XML message brokering.
Ebix uses its EbixExchange module for download of data to different agency management systems. EbixExchange has a web service interface, which accepts XML format input data stream from EbixAdvantage Web system and converts it into AL3 format in line with different agency management system requirements. EbixExchange handles data in batch mode and uploads data to agency mailboxes using IVANS Transformation Stations. Suitable customization is done to generate AL3 files in line with various agency management systems.
Client management
EbixAdvantage Web allows you to enter/record any information concerning your clients, and search a client easily using multiple filters. A facility is available for quick search on name and/or address to identify the customer-ID used for subsequent transactions in the system. While creating a client, the name search is always activated in order to avoid duplicate entries of persons or companies. The unique number is automatically allocated to each new party. The search facility supports identifying a person even if only incomplete data is available, e.g., a misspelled name, the post code, etc.
The following information can be stored against a client -
- Multiple contacts
- Attention Notes
- Attachments of any kind
- AKA/DBA Names Insured's
Policy Administration
EbixAdvantage Web Claims Management is focused on leveraging instant access to complete risk information and performing validations which ensure that only valid claims are entertained thus reducing processing times and enhanced customer service
Policy Terms:
The system allows recording of full policy details, including Order %, Line %, Signed Line %, Premium Payment Warranty dates, Co-insurance information including participating co-insurer and special terms etc.
Policy Issuance and Documentation:
The system generates complete Policy Documentation including Schedules, Certificates, Cover Notes, Debit Notes, Wordings and Endorsements and attaches it to the individual risk. The documentation can be emailed directly to the broker or client.
Mid Term Adjustments, Renewals, Cancellations:
System allows active policies to be amended by Mid Term Adjustments/Endorsements only. Actions supported include forward and backdated amendments, cancellations, and reinstatement. Complete versioning of the policy is maintained giving the users the ability to see how a policy looked at any point in time, and validating against the correct version of the policy in the event of a claim. The endorsements can be automatically rated based on the rules defined in the rating matrix. On exit, the user can accept or discards the transaction. Any premium subject to collection or refund is automatically calculated, and all documents are printed automatically.
Policy Documentation:
The system produces complete policy documentation including Schedules, Cover Notes, Debit Notes, Certificates, Wordings and Endorsements in a secure PDF format. All documentation can easily be emailed or faxed directly to the broker. All activities are recorded to the Transaction Log for Audit Trail.
EbixAdvantage Web accounting module enables users to maintain and process day-to-day accounting transactions through an intuitive web-based interface. Further, Ebix AdvantageWeb provides easy calculations of agency commissions and real-time posting of premiums, commissions, and claims to posting data and general ledger. It also ensures easy handling of payments, receipts and bank reconciliation.
Accounting features supported by Ebix AdvantageWeb:
- Easy setup of Chart of Accounts, banks accounts
- On the fly fast setup of vendor information.
- Data entry forms are designed to ensure fast data entry
- Facility to import data from Excel sheet for selected transactions
- Data outputs to Excel Sheet (provided client machines have MS-Excel)
- Easy to define and post repetitive recurring journal entries
- Budget maintenance and comparative financial reporting
- Easy to setup budget details
- Bank account reconciliation
- Electronic Fund Transfer
- Module level security, Backup
- Financial reports
- Monthly or date range statements of accounts.
- Generation of aging reports
- Batch printing of checks by third party vendors
- Automatic creation of audit trial with user id and date timestamp
- Transactions once posted/updated cannot be deleted
- Ability to define check number sequence for each bank account and option to reassigning the sequence if required
- Setting up agency commission percentages based on the state, LOB, and transaction type like NBS
- Ability to define bonus commissions, contingent commissions to agencies
- Ability to issue checks and update the General Ledger in real-time
Quote generation
The process allows the underwriters to enter the complete risk information in a series of screens presented in a simple, easy to understand tab format. Starting from gathering high level information, proceeding to the related coverages and deductibles for the selected lines of business, and finally to attaching the wordings, and any optional endorsements.
Quick Quote:
This process helps the underwriters to quickly record the issuance of a quote to the broker. The complete details can then be entered at a later stage once the quote is accepted and order received from the broker.
Automatic Rating:
The system allows the underwriters to get automatic quotes based on the information entered. The system has a sophisticated rule-based rating engine that can be managed by a designated system administrator. The quote builder allows the administrator to add/change the rating rules and rates without the need for any re-programming. The underwriters have the option to override the premium generated by the quoting engine, which can then be tracked and reported through the custom MIS reports.
Product Builder
The flexibility of EbixAdvantage Web architecture makes it easy to adapt the system to suit the needs of any insurance company in response to the ever-changing market conditions.
The Product Builder is a screen-based tool to define and maintain the insurance products to be offered to the brokers. The module allows new products to be defined with different rating parameters, and is an integrated part of the system and all application modules refer to the Product Configuration specified here.
Product Builder module within Ebix Advantage Web has three sub modules:
- Screen Builder
- Quote Builder
- Document Builder
A new LOB/Product can be created using the Product Builder for which data capture screens can be created using Screen Builder and Quote Builder can then be used to configure the underwriting rules and rating logic. Once this is done, Document Builder can be used to create templates for the output documents for the newly created LOB.
All the product data and validation rules/algorithms are kept in the Product Builder for each product in consistent versions.
Claims Settlement
EbixAdvantage Web Claims Management is focused on leveraging instant access to complete risk information and performing validations, which ensure that only valid claims are entertained thus reducing processing times and enhanced customer service.
New claims can be entered into the system directly by the Claim Adjusters, or Third Party Adjusters, who can be given specific authority to manage specific claims. The system allow claims to be linked to the related policies and risks affected by the loss. The system validates that the risk is covered on the date of loss and determines the correct version of the policy to be attached to the Claim. The reserves and payments can be entered and tracked separately for each section within the constituent lines of business on the policy on which the claim is filed.
User Levels:
The Claim Adjusters or Third Party contacts can be assigned specific reserve and payment limits. The automated workflow enables the Claim to be referred to the pool of next higher-level users in case a user exceeds his/her authority level.
Reserves and payments:
These are entered against a specific claim section and can be one of four main movement types. Each type is monitored separately. The currency of the claim defaults to the currency of the policy, but there are options to process the claims in any number of original and settlement currencies. Reserves need be entered as the claim is set up.
When a payment is made it can either reduce the reserve by the amount of the payment, or the user can enter a new reserve. The system keeps a full history of all movements on the claim, reserve and payment and outstanding dues.
All the product data and validation rules/algorithms are kept in the Product Builder for each product in consistent versions.