FintechOS Platform - Individual / Group Life / Annuity / Pensions
The FintechOS Platform is designed and built to be the customer-centric platform for insurance products and services. It lets you build smarter products, provide market-leading customer experiences and deliver personalized interactions.
The platform will allow you to design and build end-to-end customer journeys across insurance. It has pre-built, configurable journeys for Quote & Bind, Policy Servicing and Claims Management, supported by a depth of functionality and processes including underwriting and billing, to enable you to deliver bespoke, personalised propositions for your customers. Whilst FIntechOS has full Policy Administration and Claims Management capabilities, you can accelerate your digital transformation by immediately deploying the platform as a digital-on-top architecture into your existing estate, innovating at speed.
Key Features
Composable core blocks: Unique, digital financial services that speak customers' language and drive sales.
Self-service no-code / low-code: Empower digital makers to innovate without relying on technical teams.
Cloud-native architecture: Our cloud-based core architecture supports ecosystem innovation to enable incumbent and challanger insurers to win back customer trust
Key Benefits
Launch an entirely new product line from Agent and Customer interfaces to Policy Administration and Claims Management, getting to market quickly with our pre-built and low-code approach.
Innovate your products and services with FintechOS while keeping your system of record in place. Take control of your transition without a significant technology investment.
Replace costly business processes with seamless digital customer journeys to save time, effort and money.
Organize your services around the policyholder and create a truly personalized experience for each and every one of your customers.
Use the flexibility of the FintechOS platform to learn what works for your customers and empower your teams to apply those lessons quickly.