Cappitech EMIR Transaction Reporting
Cappitech is an award-winning, leading provider of regulatory
reporting for the financial services industry. Using our platform, you
can easily fulfill your obligation to comply with EMIR regulations
in an automated and efficient way. Cappitech has partnered with
various Trade Repositories to enable full coverage to the regulator
and saves you the effort of having to interface technically and commercially with another body.
Key Features
- Transaction Reporting for EMIR
• Insight tool that lets you gain insights into
your transaction reporting; improve KPIs on
accuracy, completeness and timeliness of
your submissions
• Delegated reporting for financial institutions
in need of providing delegated reporting
services to their counterparties. Cappitech
offers the capability to auto create the
delegated reports. In addition, designated
dashboards can be assigned to such
counterparties to enable them to monitor
their reporting obligations.
With Cappitech’s robust solution, compliance
managers can move compliance from tactical,
low-level reporting to sweeping, strategic
insights by using their own trade data with
little additional effort. Our single platform for
multiple regulations ensures you can report
all your global reporting obligations using one
centralized solution. It is also future-proof
and always updated to incorporate any new
regulations or changes to existing regulations
within the platform. With Brexit looming, the
Cappitech EMIR solution is also Brexit ready and
has already been tested for all Brexit scenarios.
Key Benefits
- Automate your daily transaction reports to an ESMA licensed TR
- Flexible integration options supporting pull or push of multiple file formats such as CSV, XML and FIX
- Enrichment of product codes, counterparty LEIs and UTI generation
- Connectivity with external market data for daily MTM valuation
- Monitor and manage your rejections and late reporting via intuitive dashboard
- Provides highly secure, advanced data encryption, including encrypted and segregated file upload system
- Efficient and frictionless reporting, reducing reporting expenses and overall cost of ownership and improve efficiency
- Provides file management for access to trade repository-submitted EMIR reports.
- Professional services team with deep regulatory knowledge supports your reporting success