
Solartis Insure Microservices (Policy Administration, Agent and Consumer Portals)

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Solartis Insure is an API-centric, cloud-based Policy Administration Platform built on a state-of-the-art microservice architecture. The platform delivers unmatched flexibility and scalability, catering to the dynamic demands of the P&C insurance market. It’s comprised of over 150+ microservices that can be used as a full policy administration platform or as individual services that can be seamlessly integrated with existing technology platforms via APIs.
Customers can choose to access the Solartis platform from their own UI/UX (business user screens and workflow) or through Solartis Configured UI/UX using its metadata microservice. The platform includes an extensive array of integration partners and features robust reporting and analytics capabilities.
At the core of Solartis Insure lies the Solartis Builder, a low-code configuration toolkit that significantly simplifies the entire insurance product lifecycle. From initial insurance product setup to ongoing versioning / maintenance, including microservice and product level testing, and deployment to production.

Key Features

Solartis Insure Platform is an API-centric policy administration platform built totally on microservice architecture. The platform is deployed in a cloud infrastructure and supports the full policy life cycle process (e.g., submission, rate, quote, refer, bind, ePay, issue, renew, endorse, cancel, reinstate, audit etc.) for all P&C personal and commercial lines of business (E&D and Admitted) including all the ISO Commercial Lines of Business . The system can be used with a Solartis or customer configured user interface. Solartis Insure supports all user types (carriers, MGAs, agents, insureds etc.) and easily integrates with distribution partner systems (i.e., embedded insurance, third party distributor websites etc.). Customers can choose to use all of our policy lifecycle microservices or just the ones they need (i.e., rating, document generation, rule configuration and maintenance).

Solartis Builder - A Low Code Configuration toolkit for initial insurance product configuration and maintenance. Customer insurance products are inherited from Solartis base Products. Solartis base products include the full ISO content for all commercial lines of business as well as base product content for many non-ISO commercial and personal lines of business. Solartis Builder is used to manage all aspects of customer's insurance products; create and manage products and product versions, states and state deviations, coverages, rate tables, lookup tables, UI/UX pages and its attributes, all documents, their associated forms, processing rules and algorithms. In addition Solartis Builder is used to orchestrate and maintain all needed microservices. It provides the ability to test on the individual microservice level and at the Product Level. Solartis has one environment for development, testing, and production. Changes are created, tested, and deployed into production using the Solartis Builder by business users without any assistance from DevOps.

Solartis Explorer Solartis also provides The Solartis Explorer Platform which allows Solartis or the customer to run various “what-if” scenarios on a book of business level versus the individual policy level from either the Solartis Insure Platform or from other third-party systems. It also supports making changes to policies on the book of business level versus the individual policy level.

Solartis Monitor The Solartis Application Monitoring Tool (AMT) allows Solartis to be proactive versus reactive when it comes to potential system issues and / or problems. It is a tool used to monitor all Solartis customers’ production environments. It ensures all application services are always up and running efficiently. Solartis monitors on a 24/7 basis for potential failures, performance issues as well as failures related to third party system integrations. The system is used by the Solartis Application Monitoring Team and is also extended to Solartis customers so they can monitor their activities themselves.

Solartis Reporter Allows you to report on all information and user activity stored in the Solartis transaction database. In our reporter platform you can create dashboards, canned reports and adhoc reports using OLAP cubes.

Key Benefits

Low-Cost Cloud-Native Headless Microservices Platform: The entire Solartis platform is built on cloud-native headless microservices, providing flexibility, scalability, and seamless integration across all insurance product configurations.

Low-Code Configuration & Maintenance: A low-code tool enables rapid project timelines, easy setup, maintenance, testing, and deployment of insurance products, simplifying management of all your P&C personal and commercial (admitted and non-admitted) insurance products.

Versatile Product Framework: A single framework supports multiple carriers, companies, and sub-products, allowing seamless management of variations without duplication.

Preloaded ISO Commercial Lines: Preloaded and pretested ISO commercial lines rating content integrated with full policy lifecycle functionality across all US states, easily customized for carrier deviations and exceptions.

Dynamic Metadata & Solartis Explore: Metadata-driven microservices generate UI/UX elements based on transaction data, while Solartis Explore empowers business users with "what if" analyses and book-of-business level transactions.