Our Approach is structured around the emergence of an IoT ecosystem which has given rise to an asset value chain comprising of connections of things, data, process and people.
Our Define, Build & Run offering and IoT solutions cater to organizations at different IoT adoption levels.
Key Features
Plan your IoT program customized to your business needs
We define the right IoT landscape for you to kick start your IoT journey. A structured approach is taken to understand your business needs & offer quick ramp-up to discover your IoT needs & solutions, accelerating your time to market with low risk and zero lock-in.
Technology driven
Identifying pain points and needs of a specific business unit or a product line and defining prospective solutions
Business Driven
Identifying pain points and needs of multiple BUs and defining integrated solutions across business value chain
Strategy Driven
Identify pain points and needs across the corporate and define multi-functional transformation initiative with IoT as key enabler
What we deliver:
Identify business pain points that IoT can resolve
Industry insights & benchmark
IoT roadmap in line with desired business outcomes
POC plan/technology roadmap
User-centric business process transformation
Implement your IoT program with secure ecosystem based solutions
As part of BUILD we offer off-the-shelf capabilities, solution frameworks and acceleration suites that allow rapid development and deployment of production version application.
IoTize Assets
Enabling devices to sense, communicate, network and produce information & secure communications between devices and
IoT Data Platform
Enabling secure data ingestion, management, and syndication. Enabling multi-tenant application and analytics platform & enabling exploratory data science
Apps & Analytics
Enable customer defined business application or micro-service. Enterprise Integration & enable Analytical models to generate business insights
What we deliver:
IoTization – Device, Gateway, Connectivity, Security
IoT Platform – Data storage, Device management, Data Science workbench
IoT Applications and Analytics
Integration of IoT Applications with rest of IT landscape
State of the art IT/OT support services to realize value of IoT
We ensure smooth running of IoT in your company via integrated operations platform, enterprise information, process management and IoT platform support services.
IoT device management & Platform
IoTized devices – Upgrade, bug fixing and timely escalations to customers. Device replacement & security support. Remote IoT platform management
IoT data Science & Analytics
Data pattern & performance analysis. Measuring accuracy of data models. Data cleaning & report generation
IT/OT Convergence
Migration of processes. Process automation and standardization. Service management. Executing IoT processes & workflows
What we deliver
Provisioning, Measuring & Monitoring
Orchestrate IT/OT
Platform hosting & micro services
High performance analytics & insight as-a-service
Uptime assurance : 24/7 support
Key Benefits
Our solution approach is aligned to Core areas of asset value chain helping organizations accelerate time to market and increase cost saving. Our solution categories cater to the unique needs of connected users, connected products, connected infrastructure and connected operations which we are calling FAST – Force, Asset, Site and Transform respectively.
For more information please refer: https://www.hcltech.com/Internet-of-Things-IoT#our_approach