For brokerage houses, Horizon Broker enables dealing desks to handle from multiple customers through various media such as FIX, phone, files or other protocols using one single platform connected to multiple cash and derivatives execution venues.
Horizon Broker provides the ability to manage care orders as well as phone, DMA, and algo orders from the acknowledgment of the order to the reporting. Horizon Broker also manages multi-level account and commission, automatic or manual reporting tools and adjustment features to fulfill customers’ requests.
Horizon Broker is based on Horizon Trader which is a multi-markets, multi-exchanges, cross-assets order entry and execution management solution that enables trades of a variety of instruments and markets through a unique, consistent interface.
The user interface allows customization of workspaces in order to suit individual needs and preferences in order to create the most intuitive and adapted front end. The traders’ workspace simultaneously manages multiple windows without difficulty.