SimCorp Dimension is the most comprehensive integrated system on the market. It supports the complete buy-side investment management value chain with best-in-class solutions covering front, middle, and back office operations. With SimCorp Dimension you are able to quickly adapt to market changes by making your business and IT architecture simpler and more agile.
Through our integrated system, you can automate your processes and grow your business into new markets and asset classes. At its core is our award-winning IBOR, enabling you to make better and faster investment decisions. SimCorp Dimension is the optimal solution for top investment managers, as it empowers you to meet the challenges of complexity while, at the same time, solving the bottlenecks caused by inflexible and fragmented systems.
SimCorp Dimension creates value for both your company and your customers. It will help you drive costs down, increase efficiency, and improve performance, collaboration and agility. Your customers will benefit from increased transparency, better and faster service, and a clear overview of their investments.
Our integrated system is made up of 18 different components covering all functions in your front, middle and back offices. We call these components “Managers” because they refer to the relevant role they support within your company. The system can be customized by choosing the combination of Managers that best fits your needs now, and then scale along the way.
Key Features
While we can support your front, middle and back office with separate best-in-class offerings, we believe the best way forward is a fully integrated system. It’s not something achieved overnight, so the beauty of partnering with SimCorp is that you can start however you want and steadily scale along the way.
When partnering with SimCorp, every project begins with a thorough analysis of your needs. Whether your investment management software requirements lie in the front, middle or back office, we use our extensive experience and expertise to identify the solution most valuable for you.
Mapping your operating model and aligning it with your strategic objectives will give you a clear overview of how our offerings add value to your business. Each of SimCorp Dimension’s components is built on a shared architectural foundation – drawing from and feeding in to the same source of data. This “single source” lets you easily evolve your system. For instance, you may choose to integrate our award-winning IBOR as a stand-alone solution, without other SimCorp Dimension components, but with the possibility to integrate these at a later stage.
- Our integrated front office solution gives you the scalability, flexibility and wide coverage you need to excel in a complex investment landscape. With unparalleled automation capabilities and cross-enterprise data integration, you will be equipped in the best possible way to pursue your growth aspirations.
- Our middle office solution allows you to accurately map, measure and adapt the impact of all your investment decisions. Having a complete overview gives your organization an insight into why goals have or have not been reached, as well as an overview of exposure across your portfolios.
- SimCorp Dimension offers you complete back office integration with front and middle office operations collecting all data into one single source of the truth. This makes post-trade processing automatic and real-time. The single system architecture allows for a timely and accurate view of all your holdings no matter the time or place.
- SimCorp Dimension’s data and reporting solution tackles these challenges by ensuring that data is available in the right time, context and quality. Offering state-of-the-art data management focused on the creation of accurate, consistent and transparent content, the solution ensures trust and confidence in your data and associated reporting. The solution is automated to maximize the value of your data, as well as engaging customers with enriching experiences.
Key Benefits
At SimCorp, we believe that your IT infrastructure should give you agility, efficiency and control. With SimCorp Dimension, you can consolidate your investment management IT systems and ensure you achieve your growth ambitions – no matter where your business moves.
Consolidating your investment management systems means you can gain:
Get intra-day data and a holistic view of exposure and positions
Enable better decision-making through a single source of truth
Gain more flexibility in your operating model to adapt to market changes
Reduce manual workarounds and increase process efficiency
SimCorp Dimension offers you all these benefits and more. So, by simplifying your investment management systems, you can make your business fit for the future.