Having your policies written down is important, but they are useless without communicating them out into the world and guaranteeing that they are being deployed and adhered to. You need a central place for your policies to be accessed from, ability to manage policy revisions and a way to track end-user attestation.
SureCloud’s Policy Management software solution gives employees quick, easy access to the latest documents that apply to them so that you can reduce confusion over which policies to review, enjoy better attestation rates and help embed policies into place in your workplace.
SureCloud’s Policy Management software can link to policy sources in external document management solutions or file systems and push notifications to end-users when updated or new policies need to be reviewed. So that you can focus on ensuring the right policies are available and then monitoring attestation rates via the built-in dashboards.
Key Features
- Policy Manager - Recommended complementary app that aligns policies, processes and procedures to your operational controls. Users can access documents from the SureCloud Document Library or referenced third-party platforms.
- Dashboards and Reports - A suite of out-of-the-box charts and reports you can configure to provide an enterprise view or down to a department summary of risk.
- Flexibility - Retrospective changes to assessments are instantly applied through all subsequent steps without rework.