A universal interface that facilitates the integration with legacy software, ERP and other data bases. The software product includes document management, process management, definition of roles and tasks, access rights, asset automatization, notifications and email communication, statistics and analysis of employee occupancy and task allocation. The platform works with various tools for claim calculation – the ones available at the customer premises or other updated versions of MultiCat, Audatex, DAT, Mitchell, etc. Completely compliant with legal norms such as BG Ordinance 24.
Key Features
SmartClaiMS is an end-to-end platform for automation and digitalization of all steps in the workflow and document management process of claims administration in general insurance.
The software is module bases and covers all activities in claims administration – inspection for new policy issuance, claim registration, electronic document exchange among all parties, customer authentication and automated approvals, claim registration, claim annotation and calculation, authorization letters, payment “fast track”, claim servicing monitoring and control, online selection of suppliers of auto parts and/or other materials, final calculation of compensation.
In addition to text, picture and video document management, the platform has a functionality for electronic communication among all involved parties with dates, history and participants – insurance company, broker, expert, remote office, 3rd party, repair shop, supplier, etc.
Key Benefits
- Cost reduction (decrease cost-to-income ratio from reduced backlogs, training times, CAPEX and OPEX and improved productivity)
- Enhanced customer experience (Improve service levels and customer satisfaction)
- Improvement of internal and external reporting. Unification of reporting
- Establishing of single source of truth (policies, retentions, claims, customer status, etc.)
- Increase sales & claim handling productivity
- Paperless policy and claim management
- Streamline communication with all involved parties
- Provide omnichannel experience