Intellect Wealth Qube is a relationship centric, one-stop Digital Wealth Management solution with Omni-channel and STP processing from front, mid to back office for Private & Commercial Banks, Wealth & Asset Management firms, Advisory firms, B/Ds, Trusts and IFAs to service various client segments from UHNI to Mass Affluent, Households and Institutions. A strong economic performance across the globe in the past few years have increased investible wealth to a new high.
To tap this increase in investible wealth, Intellect offers Wealth Qube as a state-of-the-art, API based scalable WM platform enabled by 6 Offices (Functional Units) and 23 Desks (Functions) with full spectrum of 139 Tools having modernized UI/UX, DIY features to position as an extended arm for businesses to deliver 2020 Advantage. 2020 Advantage signifies Wealth Qube’s capability to deliver "20% growth in revenue year-on-year through 20% reduction in business operating costs" thereby fuelling increase in market and wallet share with reduced cost to service per client.
Key Features
Tools have been classified as Advance, Expert and Edge tools.
v Advance tools are those tools that are essential for business operations.
v Expert tools are value-add tools that enhance the productivity of each desk substantially but not a must for running the business.
v Edge tools are value differentiating tools.
The six offices that form part of Wealth Qube 2020 are the
1. Relationship Manager Office;
2. Customer Personal Office;
3. Operations Office;
4. Risk and Compliance Office;
5. Fund Managers Office and
6. Trust Office
The 23 Desks that makeup these Offices are as below:
1.New Business Desk
2.Customer Engagement Desk
3.Planning and Advisory Desk
4.Execution Manager Desk
5.Monitoring and Performance Desk
6.Supervisory Desk
7.Customer Identity & Profiling Desk
8.Product Desk
9.Trade Management Desk
10.Connectivity Maintenance Desk
11.Revenue Management Desk
12.Investor Services Desk
13.Leverage Desk
14.Fund Administration Desk
15.Customer Compliance Desk
16.Market Compliance Desk
17.Organizational Compliance Desk
18.Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Desk
19.Fund Manufacturing Desk
20.Fund Performance Monitoring Desk
21.Trust Products and Services Desk
22.Agency Services Desk
23.Other Fiduciary Services Desk
Key Benefits
Benefit1: 2020 advantage: 20% increase in productivity of RMs
Repository of tools in the hands of RMs to provide High tech - High touch service to Wealth customers
Enables effective conversations and informed decisions with its 6 PAc customer interaction framework providing right information on
Person (demographics, preferences, financials)
Portfolio (composition of portfolio, comparison with model)
Performance (money weighted, time weighted, risk adjusted and comparative returns; Performance Attribution)
TransActions (view of transactions done)
InterActions (integrated view of all interactions with the bank)
Items for Action (system generated personalised alerts)
Helps drive actions to achieve KRAs with Performance trackers – track own performance and team performance – drill down to get actionable insights for taking corrective actions
Goal based planner to enable purpose based investments
Smart Investment Recommender – Recommends investments most suited for customer’s individual preferences and circumstances - enables RM to become trusted advisor
Benefit2: 2020 advantage: 20% reduction in cost
Straight Through Processing
STP of order and trade data exchange with broker, RnTA and Insurance companies reduces operations cost upto thirty percent
STP of balance enquiry and debit/ credit with core banking application reduces operation cost by upto fifteen percent
STP of Corporate Actions saves upto twenty percent of operations cost
Configurable workflows for order management. Approvals based on business rules – reduces delays and manual intervention.
Fees and charges – automated computation of transaction fee, trail fee, AUM based management fee and performance fee; invoice generation and collection – increases transparency, timely collection of fees and prevention of revenue leakage
Customer knowledge retained in the application - short cycle time of RM onboarding
Reduced customer attrition and higher wallet share with personalised wealth management, actionable insights in time, performance tracking – reduces customer acquisition and retention cost
Benefit3: Full spectrum of tools to choose from
Specialised Offices for each role – designed to bring differentiation in the front office, control for mid office and standardisation for the back office
Specialised Desks for each function – created to bring functional depth for each function performed in each office
Productivity Tools for each Desk – Advance tools to run the business, Expert tools for value added features and AI enabled Edge tools obtaining sustainable differentiation
Buy what you need. Easily add new functionalities to service new customer segment or launch new service
AI ML based Edge tools-
Sentiment Analyser
Prospect Propensity Predictor
Portfolio Optimiser
Personal Market Insight Builder
Multilingual Personal Assistant
Smart Investment Recommender
Benefit4: Leveraging the digital opportunity - Contextual Wealth Management
Omni-channel access for RMs and customers with self service features – faster outreach to growing customer base
Generates Personalised Call for Action for each RM and Customer – timely action for rebalancing, book profit, replanning creates revenue opportunities and higher customer satisfaction
Prompts Up selling and Cross selling opportunities at right place and time – creates revenue opportunities
Insight for better decision making with Analytics and simulation
Asset, Sector and Geographical exposure of MF portfolio
Backtesting and Monte Carlo simulation to test and validate assumptions
Performance Attribution
Risk adjusted performance measures such as Sharpe Ratio and Jensen’s alpha
Point to point return for any chosen period
Designed for faster adoption by new generation of clients with superior User Experience
Benefit5: 3-D Compliance
Compliance with Regulatory norms
Compliance with Bank’s policies – variability in advice provided by RMs can be minimised
Compliance with Customer mandates – adherence to model portfolio and investment policy
Inbuilt compliance checks reduce cost of error, cost of rectification and cost of supervision
Scales up business without increase in business risk – risk parameters can be defined and controlled from head office
Benefit6: Delivery Excellence
Experience of successful implementations with global and regional banks
Delivery Excellence Framework industrialised over several implementations
Intellect Messaging Hub for easy integration with existing ecosystem of applications
APIs and micro-services enable extensibility of application and helps quick integration