Designed to be the foundation on which a sound balance sheet management discipline is built, Empyrean ALM™ is the most efficient and intuitive cash flow, forecasting and simulation engine on the market. Having been conceived during the last financial crisis, and designed and developed in its aftermath, Empyrean has been specifically designed for the challenges of modern risk management (ie. natively modeling credit loss as part of its core). We know that how well a system performs key tasks – the right mix of speed, flexibility, transparency, and ease of use – means as much, if not more, than check-the-box functionality:
Key Features
Speed. Speed. Speed
Built on our founders’ 30-year obsession to improve every component of a simulation, Empyrean calculates orders of magnitude faster than the rest of the market. Because results arrive so rapidly, users are able to model and simulate even more scenarios to inform the decision making process. Be productive, not busy.
Inherently Intuitive
Designed by actual risk practitioners, the solution is oriented based on how practitioners think and work. Intuitive interfaces ease users through their daily activities. As a result, users are able to become productive on the system with minimal training as it feels like second nature.
Transparent model with intuitive reporting
Utilizing either Excel or SQL as the vehicle to both load data and assumptions and output results brings a natural familiarity. All information (instrument data, assumptions, results) within the system is visible either directly in the interface or through Empyrean’s intuitive Excel reporting, controlled by the user. Transparent. Easy. Powerful.
Converting is quick and risk free
We recognize that the demands of your job don’t stop when you decide to implement a new solution. Getting converted and into production as quick and as painless as possible isn’t a luxury, it’s a requirement. Because of Empyrean’s intuitive design and experienced support team, our customers go into production in a fraction of the time it takes with others.
Key Benefits
Balance sheet and risk managers work diligently to ensure their institution’s profitability and stability. More often than not, they are being asked to do more with less. Much more.
Too often, their fintech providers disappoint. Over-budget implementations. Poor product quality. Creaky support. Little re-investment. Empyrean is different.