Percentile's RiskMine plugs the gap between existing front office systems and requirements of risk management
- Firm-wide risk aggregation
- Firm-wide stress testing
- Market Data Management for all risk calculations
Focused at Risk Management & Regulatory Compliance without disrupting existing systems.
Developed and perfected over many years, the platform has been deployed for Risk Management at
- Investment Banks: Internal risk management, regulatory capital and reporting
- Hedge Funds : internal risk management and regulatory capital and reporting
- Brokers : internal risk management and regulatory capital
- Private Banking : risk calculations for client reporting
RiskMine modular structure comprises of major components designed to be used together but can just as easily be deployed in a bespoke manner catering to a wide range of use cases.
- RiskMine Cube: a single, fully-automated, firm-wide view of the market, credit and counterparty risk exposures which can be sliced and diced into as many different dimensions as required. Risk managers can easily pinpoint the drivers of risk, access current and historical risk data easily, benefiting from easy to use interface and visualisation tools.
- RiskMine Scenarios: runs stress tests and rich, dynamic simulations. It is capable of achieving full revaluation stress test analysis across the entire business, running sophisticated scenario generation for a wide variety of calculations.
- RiskMine Wildfire: The underlying technology that enables “big-compute” calculations running on a massively parallel and distributed pricing architecture, with simple and open APIs in order to integrate into existing systems.
- Chronos : Time Series Database and graphical user tool which readily pulls in, cleanses, normalises, stores and reports data from a wide variety of internal and external market data feeds.
- Risk Entities : Reference data repository, a centralised store for static data offering a rich canonical "golden copy" to ensure the consistency of downstream reports.
Key Features
- Automated data pipeline for importing and aggregation of all the firm's risk related data
- Terabyte-sized multidimensional in-memory cubes accessible via Excel
- Market Risk and Limits, Counterparty Credit Risk
- Basel 2, 2.5, 3 compliance
- Ready for FRTB and BCBS-239
- Market Data automation and integration with Bloomberg, Reuters, Markit, S&P, Moodys etc.
- Automated data cleaning and rule-based exception handling
- Scenario Generation for all internal and external stress testing and simulations
- VaR, Expected Shortfall, CRM / IRC etc.
- Distributed Computation across hundreds or even thousands of compute nodes
- Ease of integration with existing pricing models
- Optimised for huge loads and scalable for future growth
- Developed at a global investment bank and evolved in production for over 10 years
- High performance distributed architecture
Key Benefits
- Designed for a heavily regulated environment
- High performance distributed architecture designed to evolve with the business
- BCP/DRP built in to the design
- Transparency, audit-trails and security features built in for full audit compliance
- User-centric focus delivers power to Risk Managers to get their daily job done quicky and effectively
- Ability to innovate and stay ahead of regulatory requirements
- In-depth and granular analysis of every aspect of a firm's risk data (down to position/trade level wherever needed)