Deus T1 is a multiasset application designed with the specific objective to provide users a complete and powerful tool for markets, asset classes, portfolios, risk and securities analysis. The platform is dedicated to the asset management central departments and allows coverage of the entire investment management process starting from product picking, up to the portfolios analysis report construction. Functionalities are covering all the steps necessary to complete the entire investment process. The platform has also modular approach that allows customization of functionalities depending the client specific needs.
Key Features
Deus T1 is built on top of two main infrastructures: a) Deus Financial Warehouse: data base multiasset (Funds, Stocks, Indices, ETFs, Certificates, Bonds and more) that contains static data, price histories and related capital events. The main data provider è Six-Telekurs, and internally Deus has built a back office structure that is responsible for ensuring respect of certain quality standards. At the moment the coverage is on about 170.000 instruments that are constantly increased by the client requests. b) Deus Financial Engine: a financial library that combined with a strong and innovative IT architecture allows implementation of financial algorithms feed directly with data coming from our database. More in details, the engine delivers:
- About 70 Indicators (Absolute and relative) on single securities or lists. In example it could performances, CVar, Omega, TEV, IR, Downside, Beta, Alfa and more
- Indicators (Absolute and relative) on Portfolios (model and real). In example it could be performances (MW e/o TW), CVar, Omega, TEV, IR, Downside, Beta, Alfa and others.
- Securities Selection algorithms (Selection, Scoring, Peer, compare and others)
- Portfolio construction and management algorithms (Editor, Holdings, optimization, Allocation and more)
- Portfolio analysis algorithms (Decomposition, Attribution, Modeling)
Front-end and functionalities are developed working closely with clients that are contributing proactively with their ideas.
The following product description contains the entire list of modules available and gets updated any time new releases are made The target is to add to the platform a complete range of modules useful to support the entire investment process.
Finder (Search Engine) This application allows the user to directly find those financial instruments that needs to be analyzed to evaluate new investment opportunities. By introducing a simple text it is possible to search those assets where the name starts with or contains the text insert. Research can be performer also by ISIN code or by DEUS ID (unique internal code). The results found can be sorted or filtered using a several number of quantitative and qualitative criteria. The final output can be used in the other analysis modules to improve. The output can be exported in PDF or Excel.
Chart and Indicators Chart The Chart, based on a “Drag and Drop” technology, is very easy to use and intuitive, it provides a full range of information regarding any security, instrument o portfolio available into the database. The chart allows setting and zoom on custom timeframes, add/remove benchmarks, currencies conversions and other useful functionalities.
The indicator chart allows the user to represent on a chart any quantitative indicator available into the OTF library.
Analysis (Security Overview) The security factsheet has been created with the specific purpose of providing a deep and complete analysis of financial instruments in terms of performance, risk, static data, legal docs (Fundinfo) and other indicators. Factsheets can be printed or exported as PDF. Export include also the instrument chart. Depending on the user needs, the factsheet can be customized as well.
Selection Pull The user, by choosing between quantitative and qualitative indicators, is able to build a custom selection strategy where the complexity level depends on the options selected (Indicators, timeframes, instrument baskets and others).
List Editor This module allows creation of custom lists starting from selections or by picking instruments directly from the finder module. List Editor module allows:
- Drag and drop from any module
- Multiple instrument addition
- Merges of multiple lists
- Removal of assets
- Xls/PDF export
- Column configuration
OTF Indicators With the purpose to allow as much as possible customization of the analysis, this module allows the user creation of “On The Fly” quantitative indicators. By choosing between a wide range of quantitative indicators, the user trough a user friendly interface can decide to customize properties and so create own indicators that can be used in anywhere.
OTF Indicators Real Portfolios The financial library contains also OTF indicators related to portfolios (cash, global nominal value, money weighted performance , Potential Gain/Loss, Real Gain/Loss, and others)
Custom Category Allows the user creation of custom categories, this functionality is very useful for peer analysis.
Model Portfolio Editor The Model Portfolio editor module allows the user creation of fixed and drifting weight portfolios where asset allocations can be historical as well. The possible combinations are:
- Drifting weight Portfolios
- Fixed weight Portfolios
- Historical fixed weight Portfolios
- Historical Drifting weight Portfolios
- Simple list (Simple instrument lists with no weights)
For any portfolio created it is possible to define a base currency and a reference benchmark.
Portafoglio Holdings The way portfolios are structured in the platform allows display of a wide range of information: • Portfolio chart with the possibility to display also the reference benchmark • Portfolio quantitative analysis (including historical simulation) • Portfolio Breakdown (i.e. by market, currency, asset type and other) • Rolling indicators • Scatter Diagram
Reporting Engine Users can create custom portfolio and security reports by choosing the most appropriate look and feel.
Portfolio Compare This module allows comparison of portfolios in terms of charts, holdings, constituents, indicators and more.
Scoring The scoring Module is dedicated to the creation of custom ratings based on quantitative indicators. The user is choosing the asset basket and other options like:
- Quantitative indicators to be used
- Weight of each indicator
- Analysis Timeframe
The module output is a list of the selected assets containing the appropriate score for each instrument. The scoring module can be used as asset al location algorithm for a model portfolio.
Importer With the functionalities provided by the importer is possible to upload portfolios trough a .csv file. Portfolios will be available on the platform just after the upload is finished.
Portfolio Analysis This module includes either performance decomposition and also performance attribution. More in details: decomposition is dedicated to observation the performance breakdown with the purpose to understand which has been the contribution of each constituents to the global performance.
Model and Real Portfolio Aggregation The portfolio aggregation allows the user creation of “portfolio of portfolios” by choosing either Real or Model portfolios from the finder.
Custom Benchmark With the platform is also possible to associate a “Custom Benchmark” to a securities list (The benchmark can be a portfolio as well). This functionality is available on Finder, Selection e List Editor modules. Custom Benchmark can be used as:
- Column indicator
- Selection criteria
- Comparison index on chart
- Index for relative indicators calculation
- Proxy