GLIMS (General and Life Insurance Management System)
GLIMS is a set of modules seamlessly integrated, giving the insurance company a competitive edge by having its daily information fully disseminated and on line updated.
The Client and Intermediaries Administration module handles the physical and moral persons dealing with the company such as policy holder, insured, agents, intermediaries, service providers, doctors, expert, loss adjustors, banks, mortgagees, etc.
The Policy Maintenance General module handles the various casualty and property line of business such as Motor, Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Fire, Burglary, Personal accident, Cash in Safe, Cash in Transit, Workmen Compensation, Engineering, Travel, Bankers Blanket Bond, etc… It also allows easily the system administrator to define a new class of business and new products.
The Policy Maintenance Life module manages the lifecycle of life insurance policy from inputting a proposal until its maturity. It handles several life products such as Fixed Term Life, Increasing/Decreasing Term Life, Investment Plans, Whole Life, etc… Through this module, policy holders’ investment is well managed and maintained.
The Premiums and Receivables module handles each policy’s bills from issuing till settlement. It manages all method of premium payments such as Cash, Cheque, Direct Debit (i.e. Bank transfer), Standing orders and claim’s credit note.
The Management of Commissions module provides a flexible solution for agents/brokers commissions. It allows the definition of several direct commissions’ and override schemes by class of business, products and covers.
The Management of Claim module processes all types of claims: Motor, Marine, Fire, Death, Maturities, Surrenders, Waiver, etc…
Claims are tracked from the reported date till the closing of the claim, according to pre-defined company’s workflow.
The Management of Reinsurance module accommodates all types of treaties, proportional, Excess of loss and facultative placement. Treaty’s accounts are updated on line real time.
The General Ledger and Accounts Payable modulereflects on line and in real time, via accounting vouchers according to a predefined chart of account, all the financial figures derived from every insurance operation processed by the technical departments on the insurance company.
The Units Accounting provides a full management for the unit linked policies, where a part of the premium paid on a policy is going to be invested in one or more funds, according to a predefined investment plan
Key Features
1.2.1Graphical User Interface
GLIMS is a fully GUI user friendly system.
1.2.2Multi Currency Capabilities
Through its multi currency capabilities, GLIMS furnishes the system administrator with the following:
Security amount per user
All amounts are saved in two base currencies
Exchange rates are updated automatically on daily basis
Rates history kept in the system
Exchange rate margin
End of year difference of exchange adjustment
All reports shows amounts in both currencies
1.2.3Multi-lingual Capabilities
By its multi-lingual capabilities, the following can be achieved:
Simultaneous session between languages & alphabet: English, French, Arabic, etc
All labels are user defined and maintained
Two base language for data: All description (names, addresses, etc) can be defined in the main language and secondary language
Letters, renewal letters, claims letters, can be done in the user or customer preferred language
Multilingual reports
Multilingual translation on the same report
1.2.4International Structure
Being internationally deployed, GLIMS caters for several country’s regulations and rules, and more precisely:
Multi taxes
Policy costs
Billing fees
1.2.5Supports Multiple Companies
No matter the size of the company, from small organizations to the mightiest one, GLIMS caters for its needs and operations:
Supports every organization’s Divisions and/or Subsidiaries
Multi company structure
Each company has its own identity
Reconciliations in simple reporting
Chart of Account defined by entity
Multiple level Chart of accounts
1.2.6Fully Integrated System
GLIMS is a fully integrated system:
Data Issues: A common data model, common definition, single collection point, universal availability, consistent naming conventions for data elements and common data dictionary.
Application Issues: Derived value transfer between modules eliminating data redundancy, where minimum reconciliation is required to ensure data integrity, consistent customization tools and techniques. In addition to a code shared among modules & shared business rules.
Presentation Issues – Increasing User’s Motivation & Productivity: A consistent headings on screens & reports , consistent navigation, consistent look & feel for screens & reports & single authentication.
Operational Issues: Single security and rights administration , consistent interface to external environment, implementation of new releases of components handled consistently, and common job scheduling & common set of hardware/software/communications platforms/protocols.
1.2.7Oracle Database Openness
Being developed under Oracle Forms and Database, GLIMS offers an extraordinary openness, through:
Import/Export to Microsoft Excel – Pivot Tables
Autonomy for our Customers to develop their own plug in processes and reports, enhancing Managerial Decision Making
We provide Data Model and appropriate training
Ability to interface with third parties systems: CRM, Microsoft Office, Accounting systems, Claims, etc
1.2.8Fully Modular
GLIMS is structured in such a way that each of its module comprises 3 main components:
Programs that are inherent to this module
Data containers and objects that are inherent to the module
Interface programs and data containers with another module.
The above architecture allows for an easy module by module implementation and the coexistence of GLIMS and non-GLIMS applications within the same Information system.
Companies can start using a module for production without having all modules installed. I.E. Companies can purchase only the GLIMS Reinsurance module and interface it to their Claims and Policy administration modules.
1.2.9Table Driven System
GLIMS is a table driven system, where information like:
Currencies rates
Rates, Base Premiums, Cover’s Premiums,
Sub-lines, Vehicle types, Structure types, Protection classes
Grace periods, Billingtypes,
Payment types and options,
qSystem date, etc. …
Are all stored in user accessible tables and may be maintained by the users themselves. Each element in a table has an effective date and end date thus allowing for a historical record of transactions, changes or modifications.
1.2.10 Fully Web Enabled
GLIMS is developed using one of the latest technology in the market, the Oracle 10 g, making it a fully Web Enabled system:
Users Across the Globe can access the system with a simple browser
Agents issue quotes and applications remotely
Reduces organization cost and saving its ROI by eliminating the need for third party systems (Citrix, etc)
1.2.11 Automated Accounting Operations
All GLIMS accounting entries are automatically generated from all system modules to the general ledger module.