Streamline your loan origination process and offer paperless lending – anytime, anywhere with Zoot’s origination solution. Our answer to loan origination completes the lending process, from application and credit scoring to servicing provider integration, all with an unprecedented level of control and flexibility.
Not only does our origination solution support you with powerful tools and robust integrations that reduce data entry, it helps accelerate loan processing times while avoiding costly errors.
Key Features
Prescreen-of-One. credit analysis. The solution will help lenders progress through the account opening process and integrate offers into your customer discussion.
Instant Decisioning. Fully auomated, easily integrated, end to end workflow.
Prequalification. Drive ROI by matching consumers with the right products.
Enterprise Cross-sell. enables financial institutions to enhance the customer experience — increasing retention of customers.
Data Acquisition. High quality, trusted data to power informed decisions.
Fraud platform. Comprehensive solution maximizes fraud detection and prevention, lowers total cost of ownership and protects the financial institution’s brand and reputation.
Merchant Acquisition & Monitoring. Make precise, profitable decisions and manage risk while growing the merchant portfolio
Automobile Title and Registration: From validation and fee calculation to state-by-state and county-by-county documentation, the solutoin streamlines and automates the automobile title and registration perfection process while improving the customer experience. The platform removes most of the manual steps from the process, and provides a configurable, transparent system to manage your business.
Key Benefits
Originate and close more loans with fewer resources
Mitigate risk and respond more rapidly to industry changes
Gain processing efficiencies and take advantage of cross-sell activities
Establish your own business standards, including operating procedures, conditions and limits, automating virtually every transaction
Update pricing and regulatory documentation instantly across the entire platform