We offer solutions across the value chain for domestic and cross-border payments covering different types of payment methods. Origination though various channels (Contactless Cards, Link based Wallets, QR Code) , processing engines (Unified Payments, Open Infrastructure), legacy transformation (Message Translation Utility, Secure, auditable management and exchange of data), fraud management & anti-money laundering (supervised & unsupervised ML), analytics (pre-built data mart & predictive anlaytics), payment operations (Robotic Process Automation, AI), integration with the country level payment infrastructures & payment networks.
Key Features
Our customer-centric "C-BEADS" consulting framework overarches our digital payments solution to cover business imperatives, experience, APIfication, data science, and security. With this, we create a target state solution/s based on the inputs received in each area of the BEADS. The objective of the solution/s (implementable) is to provide customers with the four E’s: Empower (with knowledge), Engage (on the preferred channel/s), Enable (with seamless transaction power) and Enrich (overall experience).
Key Benefits
Hexaware has been able to deliver several benefits to our clients. For eg: 1) Digital Engagement and Mobile Payments Platform for a customer, processing over 1 million transactions per month, with 80% decrease in failed transactions. 2) Digital Payment Account Verification Services for a clien,t preventing 50% of all incorrect payments and 70% decrease in cost of fraud. 3) Corporate Payments and Business Cards Platform for a customer,bringing down the time of new product launch by 70% and cost reduction of 500K USD per annum; with automation permiting data capture processes. Cross-Border Payment Investigation Operations of a tier 1 global bank, resutling in 35% reduction in manual effort spent in the investigations process, with 44% savings in the total cost of ownership; delivered over the engagement tenure.