Keep your cash under control with the intelligent functions of FS² CashLiquidity
FS² CashLiquidity is the SAP-integrated solution that enables you to get visibility, control and optimization for your cash management and liquidity planning. The intuitive design coupled with its powerful functionality brings higher levels of automation to the daily cash management processes. The integration in SAP allows organizations to extract all relevant data from the various SAP ledgers interface-free while performing its cash management functions independently from the financial accounting processes. Implementation time of the highly configurable software is kept to a minimum. It brings unparalleled transparency and automation to your enterprise-wide cash management (also non-SAP) and supports effective cash pooling.
FS² CashLiquidity is certified by SAP for its integration with SAP S/4HANA and works also with previous SAP systems such as ECC.
Key Features
- Import and automatic reconciliation of data
- Short-term planning
- Full integration in SAP, also including non-SAP companies
- Automatic cash pooling
- Flexible customizing of assignment rules
- Rolling liquidity planning based on values
- Analysis based on plan/plan or plan/is data
- Display of alternative scenarios
- Performance analysis on individual or aggregate data
Key Benefits
- Group-wide real-time view on cash and liquidity
- Strong forecasting and planning
- Cash optimization tools
- Efficiency through high levels of automation
- Visibility and control over planning and actual data
- Comprehensive reporting for all stakeholders
- Independence from accounting processes
- Optimal use of working capital
- Interest optimization
- Cost savings
- Greater independence from external cash