Complete application platform for life and health insurance.
Prima L&H is the cloud platform for life and health insurance, which supports the entire lifecycle of individual and group life and health insurance products, with total security and traceability across the entire value chain.
Designed especially for insurance companies, mutual companies, large brokers, and life insurance institutions, the innovative, versatile, and efficient Prima L&H platform improves the flexibility and efficiency of management operations by simplifying business processes.
Key Features
Prima L&H is a 360° integrated front to back office platform:
- to manage the entire life cycle processes of individual and group Life and Health insurance products
- to increase agility, improve management efficiency and optimize business processes
- simple to use at the cutting edge of technology, multi-channel, multi-access, quickly complying with regulatory constraints such as Solvency II or ANI and easily integrating required evolutions such as DSN, PRD.
The solution can handle multiple company types (insurance, mutuals, pensions, brokers) and multi-product management (individual and group health / pension provision).
Key Benefits
- Improve security
- Enhance productivity
- Ease decision making
- Automate operations management
- Save time and money
- Limit file exchanges with external stakeholders
- Speed up the new insurance product creation