INTEGRATING Insurance Solution
We simplify connections in the insurance market, generating good business at the lowest possible cost.
We believe that INTEGRATING is not just a matter of technology, but of empathy and understanding of business needs.
Our solution was born with a focus on boosting sales, driven by the experience of more than 30 years we have with technology and in different areas in insurance companies.
Key Features
We are a solution aimed at the insurance market, focused on accelerating sales, integrating Insurers with Brokers, Banks and any other sales channels, quickly and safely. We are more than a “HUB”, more than an “API GATEWAY”, we are a solution that understands the needs of brokers and their difficulties in integrating with insurance companies. We respect the solutions generated by insurers and we know how to connect them to sales channels.
Our commitment is to ACCELERATE SALES.
SIntSeg enables special projects, “worksites”, sales on marketing platforms, marketplace and much more.
How do we do this?
We use technology combined with our market experience.
We developed the Product Factory to automate products that are not yet automated by insurers.
What you need to know about our Product Factory:
- Calculation engine
- Rules and exceptions engine
- API generation for non-automated products in insurance companies
- API integrator for products already automated in insurance companies
- Quoter for brokers
- Quotation for technicians and underwriters
- Integration with the Insurance Company's Portal and APP
- Integration with Portals and Platforms of sales channels
Key Benefits
The integration between the various digital sales channels and the insurance company, making the sales process 100% digital, including for products that do not have an API or automatic integration.
SINTSEG allows the configuration of products and the generation of their APIs, that is, we will build the plans within SINTSEG, we will generate the APIs and we will connect the channel with the LEGACY of the Insurer. *Important: Even for products without API in the Insurance Company.
- Increase business, be available in any sales medium
- Automate the quotation of all products
- Automate the issuance process, increasing operational efficiency
- Improve broker service by providing a safe and fast integration path
- Unburden the Technology area with requests for help with the integration processes
- Develop low impact cross-selling strategy for the Technology area