Probanx's CorePlus Corporate Banking platform combines an agile core with powerful analytics and a seamless multi-channel user experience platform. Supporting your customers' liquidity and enhancing their risk management, it provides a complete picture of your customers' entire product portfolio, managing their credit, trade and cash positions through global consolidation.
CorePlus Corporate Banking platform is an integrated, modular banking solution that addresses the needs of banks principally serving corporate and commercial customers.
CorePlus is able to manage the entire business work-flow - be it for commercial loans or complex trade finance operations - from origination to settlement. The integrated Probanx modules provide increased visibility across all business activities, together with the ability to monitor and control the various risks across multiple activities.
Key Features
- Real-Time Online Operation
- Integration
- Performance & Reliability
- Data-Integrity
- Ease-of-Use
- Powerful Inquiry Tools
- Security
- Audit Trails
- Customer Information Center With Full KYC System
- Customer Documents Management
- Customer Transaction Management
- Multi-Currency Accounting
- Account Product Designer
- Charges & Fees Management
- Financial, Compliance & Analytics Reporting
- Internal Secure Messaging System
- Export & Import Batch Files
- Correspondent Banks Management
Key Benefits
- E-Banking (Client Portal)
- Mobile Banking Application
- Loans & Mortgages
- Standing Orders
- Deposits
- Fixed Assets Management
- SMS and Email Notification
- Language Packs
- Portfolio Management (ALTUS)
- IBAN Validation API
- ComplyAdvantage Integration
- Cards Management Integration (Intercash, CSC24Seven, Leumi Card, Global Processing Services)
- Probanx Web Services (API) Including PSD2
- CorePlusConnect (ISO 8583)- Integration between the ATM/POS switch and CorePlus Banking System.
- Wire Payments - Earthport Integration
- Wire Payments – Swift Integration
- SEPA Core and Instant Integration available Q12019
- Support for card acquiring operations