Compart Supports Reforestation Project in Tanzania
Compart Supports Reforestation Project in Tanzania
Compart is climate neutral. In a corresponding certificate, the manufacturer of scalable, high-performance and platform-independent software solutions for Customer Communication Management (CCM) is certified as climate neutral on the basis of offsetting the CO2 emissions caused by the company for fiscal year 2021 through participation in the Unchindile (UFP) and Mapanda (MFP) reforestation project in Tanzania. For the carbon footprint, all emission sources were considered based on the three scopes of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard (GHG).
Certified by the Forrest Stewardship Council (FSC) in 2008, the UFP-MFP forest project in which Compart participates is planting trees on an area of almost 11,000 hectares of grassland. The plan is to preserve at least 7,565 hectares of it to protect local animal and plant biodiversity. The poverty-stricken area in the southwestern part of the East African country is frequently affected by man-made forest fires and has thus degenerated into a grassland (savanna) that is difficult to cultivate. The aim of the reforestation project is therefore to create a stable source of wood in order to take the pressure off the natural forests.
By sequestering carbon dioxide, the project aims to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and better protect soil, water, and native flora and fauna through native habitat management. In addition, the project aims to develop local communities by creating jobs and expanding the health, education and general infrastructure sectors. Around ten percent of the proceeds generated by emissions trading go to local communities, with the remainder reinvested in the rest of the country. The project employs around 100 permanent staff and about 500 seasonal workers.
Wolfgang Köstler, CEO of Compart: "By participating in the reforestation project in Tanzania, we not only neutralize our own carbon footprint as Compart, but at the same time make a social contribution to the sustainable promotion of a structurally underdeveloped region. This was particularly important to us when selecting the program of measures."
Compart has been committed to the economical use of natural resources for years. In 2013, the company received a corresponding certification for corporate environmental protection as part of the one-year ECOfit program of the state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany), which helped to optimize energy use in the company and further raise environmental awareness among employees. As part of the one-year program, Compart reviewed its compliance with relevant legislation and initiated an action plan for the continuous improvement of its environmental management.
Climate-neutral companies are companies that significantly reduce their CO2 emissions, rely on renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass) and offset their CO2 consumption by participating financially in projects to reduce greenhouse gases, for example to protect or expand forests. To obtain a certificate, the amount of green-house gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, di-nitrogen monoxide) emitted by the company is first calculated (CO2 balance). A plan is then drawn up to reduce emissions and/or promote a climate protection project. The ultimate goal is to achieve a balance between emissions and the reduction or elimination of greenhouse gases.