Where the Demand will Show
Alan Dweck, head of FX Asia Pacific at TradingScreen, said a focus on transaction cost analysis and a trend away from outsourcing are both factors that are likley to fuel demand for Algos in Australia
It's definitely true that we are seeing a significantly increased interest in TradingScreen's TCA product," Dweck said.
At the same time, a number of funds in Australia have been looking to set up their own dealing desks.
Those guys most certainly are talking to TradingScreen about using FX Algos going forward. Now a lot of them aren't really up and running yet. But things are starting to happen, its is starting to grow," he said. "Their need to establish Best Excecution drives them towards using new tools as they realise that they can't simply hand over responsibility to their bank or custodian. Many of them are now talking to us because they want to take control of their FX excution. we offer a sophisticated platform with deep-seated Algo capabilities available across multiple asset classes. This process is only just beginning and I think these clients are really just dipping their toes in the water at the moment."
Click here to read the full article.
FX Algo News - Adam Cox - March 25, 2015