Wolters Kluwer FRR expert to speak at L’Agefi Banks & Green Finance conference May 17
Xavier Dubois to expound on elements of a sound financial reporting infrastructure for decisioning and analytics
Wolters Kluwer Finance, Risk & Regulatory Reporting (FRR) Director of Technology Product Management Xavier Dubois will participate in a panel discussion, “Between Regulations and Societal Pressure for Climate Change: What are the Requirements for the Decarbonisation of Bank Balance Sheets?” as part of the L’Agefi Banques et Finance Verte conference from 5-7:30 pm Tuesday, May 17 at Livepoint, Paris.
Dubois will be joined by fellow panelists Sylvie Goulard, Deputy Governor, Banque de France; Etienne Barel, Chief Operating Officer, Federation Bancaire Français; and Nathanael Sebbag, Partner, Head of Finance & Risk Advisory & ESG/Climate Risk Service Leader, Avantage Reply France.
Their session is one of four roundtable debates led by L’Agefi journalists, along with a keynote address, exploring the climate dividends availed to investors who finance the reduction of carbon emissions through innovation. Each roundtable explores elements of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) sustainability standards, looking at regulatory requirements, environmental and climate issues, and the methodologies for measuring risks and the environmental footprint of banks.
Wolters Kluwer is a co-sponsor of this year’s event. Registration for the event is available at the L’Agefi website.
Wolters Kluwer FRR, which is part of the company’s Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) division, is a global market leader in the provision of integrated regulatory compliance and reporting solutions. These solutions support regulated financial institutions in meeting their obligations to external regulators and their own boards of directors.
Governance, Risk & Compliance is a division of Wolters Kluwer, which provides legal and banking professionals with solutions to help ensure compliance with ever-changing regulatory and legal obligations, manage risk, increase efficiency, and produce better business outcomes.