TMX enriches Information Processor performance with Vela’s managed market data platform
Refresh supports latest Canadian regulator best-price obligations
New York, NY – September 20, 2016 – Vela Trading Technologies, a global industry leader in high performance trading and market data technology, is pleased to announce that its fully managed low-latency market data platform is now live at TMX, Canada’s largest integrated multi-asset class exchange group. Vela’s managed services platform has enabled TMX to launch new services for the protected markets to comply with Canadian regulatory requirements.
Vela’s platform powers the TMX Information Processor (TMX IP), ensuring clients receive high quality and reliable, real-time market data. TMX will also leverage Vela’s distribution component to publish data into the STAMP format that is used in other products.
The TMX IP provides a central source of consolidated Canadian equity market data that meets standards approved by regulators. The TMX IP products include the Consolidated Data Feed (CDF™), Canadian Best Bid and Offer (CBBO®), Canadian Best Bid and Offer for Protected only markets (CBBOP™), Consolidated Last Sale (CLS™) and a Consolidated Depth of Book Feed (CDB™). TMX clients, with regulator driven best-price obligations, can benefit from a cost effective alternative to direct feeds and aggregation of Canadian exchanges and ATS’s market content.
Vela’s managed market data platform provides end-to-end operational support for its unique blend of low-latency feed handlers and products to consolidate quotes and trades from different market centers. The platform is fully managed by Vela’s 24x7, follow the sun, team allowing TMX to focus on new growth into other asset classes and new data products.
Eric Sinclair, President, TMX Market Insights and Group Head of Information Services, TMX Group, “We have refreshed and enhanced the TMX IP platform technology to expand our market and product coverage.” He added, “We are very pleased with the success of the integration project. Vela’s managed services team clearly understood our business, technical, and operational requirements. Furthermore, their dedicated client support team worked closely with TMX to ensure a smooth implementation.”
Jennifer Nayar, CEO of Vela, said “We have been working with TMX since 2008 and are delighted to support the growing TMX service portfolio.” She added “Vela continues to enhance the TMX IP and it is pleasing to hear how well our managed service team is performing in this systemically important function. We pride ourselves on providing excellent client services and innovative products that help firms like TMX address the ever-changing regulatory challenges on a global scale.”
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About Vela Trading Technologies
Vela (formerly SR Labs) is an independent global leader in high performance trading and market data technology. We provide the breadth of coverage and depth of expertise demanded by today’s multi-asset, multi-region electronic trading environment. Our clients benefit from white-glove global customer support and professional services from an experienced team comprised of seasoned financial services industry experts and cutting edge technologists.
Providing premier market data and trading technology, Vela improves time-to-market, lowers costs and eliminates complexity. Vela delivers products that empower our clients to focus on their core business strengths, leveraging key trading infrastructure solutions via our technology, expertise and experience.
For more information, please visit us at velatradingtech.com. Follow us on Twitter @vela_tt
For media inquiries, please contact Melanie Budden, The Realization Group Email: melanie.budden@therealizationgroup.com
Tel: +44 7974 937970