Numerix Wins Best Risk Management Technology Provider in HFM US Hedge Fund Technology Awards 2019
Numerix, the leader in risk technology, is proud to announce that Numerix Oneview Asset Management has been named the Best Risk Management Solution in the annual US Hedge Fund Services Awards 2019.
The 2019 US Hedge Fund Technology Awards recognize IT and software providers serving the hedge fund sector that have demonstrated exceptional customer service and innovative product development over the past 12 months. The awards were presented on February 7 at the Lotte New York Palace.
“Risk management is core to Oneview Asset Management. We have built an integrated valuation and risk management platform where you can examine at any level of aggregation: portfolio, asset class, strategy or by your own filters,” said Steve O’Hanlon, CEO of Numerix. “Now integrated with a greater range of sell-side quality pricing models, Oneview Asset management is the most complete real-time and portfolio management solution for the buy-side providing hedge funds with holistic and real-time views into every step of the investment process.”
Oneview Asset Management is available via its real-time, SaaS platform and enables users to take advantage of Numerix’s asset management software, extensive pricing models and institutional quality infrastructure. Numerix Oneview Asset Management continues to evolve and grow in adoption. Today, the solution is in use with several major banks and asset managers globally. It supports real-time portfolio analysis, P&L, stress and shadow NAV as well as fully automated middle office capabilities. Coverage for multiple asset classes is provided, including fixed income, equities, inflation, commodities, credit and FX.
O’Hanlon adds: “One exciting aspect of this that we are seeing demand from fund segments that we did not historically work with such as systematic funds, commodity funds and the larger macro funds. Our footprint has also expanded globally which is exciting. We are honored to be included in prestigious award program; we thank our clients and the HFM team.”
The full list of winners of this year's awards can be found here: https://hfmustechnologyawards.awardstage.com/#Winners_2019