Survey Reveals More than Half of Asset Managers are Not Confident in the Accuracy of their Investment Performance Numbers
Asset managers surveyed represent $22.5 trillion in assets under management
A recent survey released by SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, revealed that 53 percent of asset managers are not confident that the investment performance figures they report are completely accurate. A total of 88 asset managers representing $22.5 trillion in assets under management participated in the survey, conducted during a recent SimCorp webinar, “IBOR: The One Source of Truth for Investment Performance.”
This lack of confidence in reporting can be attributed to additional information revealed by the survey. For example, 80 percent of respondents confirmed that portfolio managers do not receive investment performance numbers based on intra-day position calculations. Furthermore, only 59 percent are able to look through to see the trades, prices, FX rates and classifications that are driving each portfolio’s performance numbers. Without accurate and timely information, asset managers may misreport performance data to investors and regulators or make ill-informed trading decisions, potentially putting firms at a competitive disadvantage.
“The investment process should be seen as an opportunity - the differentiator which enables your firm to add value for your clients. If performance data is not up-to-date, there is an inability to see what’s actually driving the performance. This casts a large doubt on the accurate tracking of investments which does not inspire investor confidence,” said Marc Mallett, Vice President of Product & Managed Services at SimCorp North America. “There is a critical need for asset managers to have access to real-time and accurate performance data, and these survey numbers show a significant gap between the tools asset managers have available and what they require to make high-quality investment decisions.”
Enquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to: Dmitriy Ioselevich, Peppercomm Communications, dIoselevich@peppercomm.com, 212.931.6177
Susan Peter, SimCorp North America, susan.peter@simcorp.com, 917.546.4654
About SimCorp
Since 1971, SimCorp has been providing investment and portfolio management software and services to the world’s leading investment managers, asset managers, fund managers, fund administrators, pension funds, insurance funds, and wealth managers. Based on its world-class software platforms, SimCorp Dimension and SimCorp Coric, SimCorp provides global financial organizations with the tools they need to mitigate risk, reduce cost, and enable growth. Listed on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, SimCorp is a global company, regionally covering all of Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. For more information, please visit www.simcorp.com.