Comarch’s offerings for banking, insurance and capital markets were featured in several analytical reports of two leading research and advisory companies – Gartner and Celent in 2013.
One of Gartner’s reports profiled Comarch Mobile Banking in its document Hype Cycle for Digital Banking, 2013. Comarch offers two distinct mobile platforms for retail and business client segments. The distinction results from different needs and expectations of mentioned customer groups. The retail mobile banking constitutes part of the Comarch Smart Finance solution, while Comarch Business Mobile Banking is an independent platform satisfying specific needs of business customers. Both solutions stand out for their innovative UI, outstanding user-experience of everyday operations, simplicity & usability, and high security ensured with the embedded mobile token for signing transactions.
Comarch Business Mobile Banking is a modern digital banking solution for SMEs and corporate clients who are looking for a way to do banking on the go. It gives the bank customers a convenient and secure access to business products and services. The solution was based on Comarch broad experience in developing banking solutions for financial institutions, comments Krystian Suchodolski, Mobile Banking Business Development Manager at Comarch.
Comarch Commission & Incentive was featured in Garnter’s Hype Cycle for Life Insurance 2013 and Hype Cycle for P&C Insurance, 2013. The solution enables comprehensive and consistent management of sales structure and its compensation. They allow for unprecedented flexibility to optimize all company activities and quick response to changing market needs.
Even the best organized processes cannot be developed and run effectively run without the appropriate IT support. To effectively compete on the insurance market, it is essential to have software tailored to specific requirements of customers and regulators. Comarch insurance solutions allow to increase competitiveness owing to a smooth flow of information, automated processes and reduced costs, says Mariusz Janczewski, Insurance Business Development Manager at Comarch.
In its European Wealth Management Technology Vendors: Evaluating Front-to-Back Office Technology 2013 report, Celent evaluated Comarch Wealth Management Platform consisting of Comarch Investment Advisor, Comarch Asset Management, Comarch Performance, Attribution & Risk and Comarch Client Reporting & Communication systems. The platform provides CRM, analytics and portfolio management functionalities as well as an Investment Advisor front office suite that covers a full advisory process.
Comarch offer for investment and wealth management business has been successfully implemented for over 15 years. We cooperate both with large banks and small asset managers offering a flexible approach to implementation and a convenient cost model, e.g., SaaS or full process outsourcing. What makes our offer unique is, most of all, our ability to cover all key business areas of wealth management with the tools that step ahead of the industry as far as user experience or mobile technology are concerned, underlines Grzegorz Prosowicz, Capital Markets Business Development Manager at Comarch.
In 2012 Comarch solutions were also present in analytical reports – Comarch Commission & Incentive in Gartner’s MarketScope for Insurance Incentive Compensation Management and The Gartner CRM Vendor Guide, whereas Comarch Client Reporting tools were described in Client Reporting Tools Update 2012: An Overview of the European Market.
All reports are available at Gartner and Celent sites. Information on our products can be found at finance.comarch.com.