Now You Can: Legacy Innovation - Using Low-Code / No-Code to deliver agile innovation 5x faster.
Legacy systems exist in almost all areas of the financial services industry, these tend to be platforms or applications, that were built many years ago to perform a specific operation in a repeatable way, making them hard to change and adapt. Join us on August 25th at 9am EST / 2pm BST and learn how Low-Code / No-Code offers a new, agile, ‘Buy to Build’ approach needed to access the new speed of innovation and remedy the problems of Legacy.
We also have a number of updates on the Genesis Platform that we can’t wait to share with you. To learn more about some of the updates we’ll be discussing and demoing during the show, you can read our recent Platform Press Release here: https://bit.ly/3yqFkpS.
After the event, join the LIVE breakout zone where you can chat with the Genesis platform experts and learn how Low/No-Code can work for you.
Register here to secure your place: https://bit.ly/3ywPpSe.