21 November 2019 13:00 - 14:00 UTC (08:00 EST, 13:00 GMT, 14:00 CET)
Gryta 2B, Norway
In the age of digital-only banks, a frictionless digital onboarding experience is no longer a competitive advantage – it's table stakes.
A lackluster digital onboarding experience will hamper a retail bank's ability to attain new customers: Signicat's research 'Battle to Onboard III' revealed that almost 40% of European consumers abandon financial services applications.
In this live webinar with Celent Senior Analyst Bob Meara and Signicat VP of Identity and Innovation John Erik Setsaas, we look at how NOT to digitally onboard customers. Based on those insights, we’ll share best practices for banks to convert applicants into customers with a seamless, secure onboarding UX.
Event details
Life Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, Retail Banking
Geographic Focus