
AIA GROUP:AIAにおけるテクノロジー、デジタルおよびアナリティクス (TDA)

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セレント・モデルインシュアラーアワード2024 デジタルと新興テクノロジー部門 受賞企業


In today’s fast-paced world, organisations must adapt and evolve to unlock their full potential, stay ahead of the competition, and navigate disruptive forces. Business leaders recognise the importance of transformation and consider it a top priority. However, they are also aware of the challenges of embarking on ambitious transformation programs. These initiatives require significant investments of time and resources, and achieving the desired outcomes can be difficult, even under ideal circumstances.

This report highlights the AIA Group’s initiative as a prime example of a successful business transformation aligned with ambitious goals. By implementing targeted initiatives, AIA has enhanced flexibility and speed, enabling it to expand its presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

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