RMB Internationalization offers numerous benefits to market participants. Celent has released a new report titledRMB Internationalization: Integ…
RMB Internationalization offers numerous benefits to market participants. Celent has released a new report titledRMB Internationalization: Integ…
We are getting saturated with the nearly messianic discussions and the descriptions like “Cambrian Explosion” that surround discussions of the b…
In a recent blog post we discussed about the emergence of utility model in the KYC, on-boarding space in the capital market. When one thinks of…
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the regulatory environment has undergone rapid changes and is still evolving, creating additional obli…
The advent of utility models in KYC and on-boarding operations represents a further shift in financial institutions standardizing and outsourcin…
The shift in sources of value for different market players in risk management is already resulting in discernible implications for winning clien…
The fourth annual Celent Model Insurer Awards will be held tomorrow, January 28th, in New York City. We would like to thank all of the participa…
New York, NY, USA May 15, 2007 Global technology spending on OTC derivatives processing will increase from $187.8 million to US$232.5 million by…
New York, NY, USA August 3, 2006 Electronic trading of interest rate swaps will reach 42% of dealer-to-client trades and 22% of interdealer trad…
Boston, MA, USA April 9, 2004 Once considered only a pipe dream, corporate actions automation is becoming a reality. Industry initiatives, m…