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  • The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) aim at a global comparability of annual financial statements of publicly traded companies…

  • Accounting Hub is an optional software module that operates as a link between the other modules of zeb.control.accounting and the core posting s…

  • The Hedge-Engine enables hedge accounting for interest rate risks pursuant to IAS 39 and IFRS 9. The module supports cash flow and fair value he…

  • Impairment process With this impairment solution, you can compute single, general and portfolio value adjustments as well as the unwinding effec…

  • Measurement is a core element of the IFRS accounting concept. zeb.control.accounting – Valuation covers both measurement at amortized cost and a…

  • Creating a reliable and consistent data basis Control-relevant information held in management information systems (MISs) requires a consistent d…

  • For banks, the implementation of regulatory reporting requirements according to Basel turns out to be very complex and critical in terms of time…

  • Already at the end of 2019, many pension funds will need to satisfy the new and comprehensive reporting requirements of the European Insurance a…

  • Ensuring regulatory compliance - Efficiency benefits through fully automated calculations - Focus on business management and risk management - A…

  • Continuously increasing regulatory requirements and a high volatility of the markets together with high income expectations require banks to app…

  • Improving net interest income, planning actions * Integrated present-value- and period-oriented ALM * Comprehensive action simulation * Structur…

  • Identifying risks, optimising profit * Analysis of the portfolio structure * Optimisation of the risk/return structure * Flexible scenario analy…

  • zeb.control.risk - Trading software module Given the rising volatility of the markets and the related increase in risks from trading, their acti…