Connor, Clark and Lunn Selects SimCorp Coric to Deliver a Client Communications Platform for Growth March 13, 2019 SimCorp, a leading provider o…
Connor, Clark and Lunn Selects SimCorp Coric to Deliver a Client Communications Platform for Growth March 13, 2019 SimCorp, a leading provider o…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services to the global financial services industry, today announces that its…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services to the global financial services industry, today announced that its…
David Adams, Asst. CFO and head of investment accounting at RSA stated, “Our goal is to manage our investments to the highest possible standards…
SimCorp Dimension has been used by SEB’s Danish branch for a number of years. Now the parent company has signed a subscription-based license agr…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that it…
A recent survey released by SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services indust…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that it…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has released version 5.9…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, announces that Vescore A…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced the appo…
ver the past six years, BlueBay has doubled in size, both in terms of assets under management and the number of investment strategies it manages…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, announces that BNP Parib…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced it has b…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry has released a new versio…
A recent survey released by SimCorp has revealed that although the majority of asset managers consider data quality to be of prime importance, m…
As a firm that is investment-led and investor-focused, Lord Abbett is dedicated to delivering superior long-term investment performance and prov…
SimCorp’s IBOR is an integrated solution covering the front-, middle- and back-offices, helping asset managers get a ‘golden copy’ of data, a un…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, announces that Unigestio…
UBS Global Asset Management has selected SimCorp's investment management solution, SimCorp Dimension, as the replacement for its core technology…
The US asset manager, which already utilizes SimCorp Dimension for middle and back office operations, has now selected SimCorp's front office so…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has announced that Brown…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced the appo…
Highlights of the survey include: 44% of buy-side professionals manually process complex derivatives, with more than 50% still relying on at l…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has released a new CXO C…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has announced the call f…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Dut…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has been recognized for…
SimCorp’s fourth annual Client Communications and Reporting 2015 conference, for private wealth and institutional asset managers, returns to Mer…
his paper investigates the various models for investment firms expanding into new markets and the many challenges that must be overcome. There i…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that M&G…
A recent survey released by SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services indust…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Nor…
SimCorp today announced that it has won the 2015 Technology Innovation Award from FTF in the category of ‘Best IBOR Solution.’ This is the first…
SimCorp today released a new article, titled, “Alternative Investments: Attractive Opportunity Puts Demands on Your Operating Model.” The articl…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today released a new art…
After analysing trends in the financial markets and its investment portfolio, as well as forthcoming changes to prudential regulations, such as…
SimCorp, leading provider of investment management solutions, announced that it has received accolades in three separate awards in the past thre…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has released a new CXO C…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has released SimCorp Dim…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced the resu…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Tri…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Eat…
As indicated in the 9M interim financial report, SimCorp is currently engaged in a number of late stage contract negotiations with new and exist…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial industry, today announced it has been named…
SimCorp announces that it has entered into a strategic software license agreement with an existing client, a leading German provider for fund ad…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today released a video d…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial industry, today announced that SimCorp Dime…
SimCorp, leading provider of investment management solutions, today announced that it won Best Buy-side IBOR platform at the 2014 Buy-side Techn…
SimCorp, leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Aegon…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry,today released poll findi…
In connection with the program SimCorp A/S will repurchase shares for an amount of up to EUR 10.0m (approx. DKK 74.6m) in the period from 2 Sept…
SimCorp announced today that Norwegian KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS (part of Norway’s largest life insurance company), has extended its SimCorp Dim…
Following the second compliance deadline for reporting derivatives trades to a trade repository (TR), SimCorp confirms that their clients succes…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced the appo…
UNIGESTION is a leading Swiss asset manager offering robust, tailor-made investment solutions, managing USD 15.8 billion of assets. Headquarte…
SimCorp has released SimCorp Dimension version 5.6, the second of its two annual software releases. As SimCorp evolves its data management capa…
SimCorp has announced the appointment of Jens Olivarius as the new Head of Group Marketing & Communications at SimCorp. Jens Olivarius joins Si…
SimCorp StrategyLab paper highlights expanding role of an IBOR in delivering competitive advantage to investment management firms from front to…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced results…
SimCorp today announced that Notenstein Private Bank, which has assets under management of CHF 20bn, has selected SimCorp Dimension as its new s…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management software and services for the global financial services industry, today released an in-dept…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Féd…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today announced that Féd…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, has announced that Mizuh…