Perceived wisdom would suggest that insurance systems should be bought and not built” However, this view is changing due to digital ambitions and the sheer complexity of legacy modernisation. Rather than buying existing market solutions for new digital ventures, a bold few are choosing to “build” (or more likely "assemble") all or part of their future applications. This is no longer purely a startup phenomenon either. Even large insurance players are switching to a build/assemble mind-set for launching their most innovative greenfield ventures. The desire for speed, low cost, access to the latest technology, and control of the digital engagement journey are behind these motivations. In 2018, we expect to see this behaviour to accelerate as confidence in build returns, and with it the emergence of new B2B insurance component tech players.
This roundtable will explore this phenomenon and debate new strategies for exploiting the new world of microservices, open-source and generally all things ‘serverless’ in a world dominated by the classical enterprise insurance suite.
1.30 pm – 2 pm: Registration & Coffee
2 pm – 2.45 pm: The Celent perspective on the new build vs. buy debate
2.45 – 4.30 pm: Discussion--sharing opinions
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm: Adjourn - Cocktails and Networking
Attendees will exclusively be insurance company CIOs, Chief / Senior IT Architects or similar insurance company executives, (no vendors or media), in a roundtable format with 1 or 2 attendees from each insurer in order to promote interactive debate, as well as Celent Analysts leading the debate and sharing Celent insight and perspectives on the topics.
Registration in advance is required as space is limited. To attend or if you have questions about the event please contact Chris Williams via cwilliams@celent.com