We’re proud to announce that Symetria® was recognized as the best data management provider for regulatory compliance by Central Bank Fintech Reg…
We’re proud to announce that Symetria® was recognized as the best data management provider for regulatory compliance by Central Bank Fintech Reg…
Novabase Financial Services is a business of Novabase Group that delivers digital solutions for Financial Institutions. Financial organisations…
2019 is the year in which we celebrate 30 years of success and transformation. 30 years masterminding, planning and transforming our clients' b…
Novabase was recognized by the Human Resources Portugal magazine as the most innovative in people management. We're proud to be part of this fam…
It's live ! The new Novabase Financial Services LinkedIn Page is now at your reach ! Novabase Financial Services is the business of Novabase Gr…
Novabase was once again attending Finovate Europe, a worldwide event on the topics of Digital Banking Transformation and FinTechs. As a Gold Spo…
Last week we went to Websummit 2018, Lisbon with three objectives: 1. To promote one of our products, Wizzio our Digital Banking Platform!2. Wit…
Coming up, this October You can find us at the following events: Websummit, FIL, Lisbon05.11.2018 to 08.11.2018 Presenting Wizziohttps://www.cel…
Coming up, this OctoberYou can find us at the following events: European Leasing & Consumer credit Industry annual convention by leaseeurope & E…
We're at SUG with our product Rely and our Partner Fiserv!Generating Opportunities for reference banks in the sector! With a total of 270 parti…
Meetup | Cognitive Computing at Novabase: Building the Solutions of TomorrowThe recently created Center for Cognitive Computing of Novabase, hea…
Coming up, this September You can find us at the following events: 9th International Factoring Congress in Poland12.09.2018Presenting Relyhttps:…