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Exactpro is an independent software testing services provider for financial sector organisations. Our clients are exchanges, post-trade platform operators, and banks across 20 countries. Our area of expertise comprises protocol-based testing of matching engines, gateways, market data, market surveillance, clearing and settlement systems, improving scalability, latency and operational resiliency. Exactpro is involved in a variety of transformation programmes related to large-scale cloud and DLT implementations at systemically important organisations. Founded in 2009, the Exactpro Group is headquartered in the UK and operates delivery centres in Georgia, Sri Lanka, Armenia, Lithuania and the UK and representative offices in the US, Canada, Italy and Australia. Exactpro employs over 550 staff. Our approaches leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to help harness the power of big data analytics to automate the generation of test ideas and the interpretation of test results. We also use smart execution capabilities to support full-scale AI adoption at Exactpro and within our client firms.


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