Streamlined billing with little to no manual intervention required With a modern, architecturally sound billing and invoicing SaaS platform from…
Improve customer satisfaction—and your bottom line—with a smarter core billing system. BillingCore® is a highly advanced billing, cash managemen…
EIS is the first choice for ambitious insurers focused on future-proofing their businesses and building the customer-centric insurance platforms…
Innovate and differentiate with products, channels, and every customer engagement opportunity. With the customer-centered EIS Suite™, you can ha…
EIS is an insurance software company that enables leading insurers to innovate and operate like a tech company: fast, simple, agile. Founded in…
EIS Group moves insurance carriers closer to their customers. Leading insurers use the EIS® digital insurance platform to build and deliver fast…
Customer-centered policy administration and underwriting that’s all business. PolicyCore® is an extremely powerful, highly configurable, and sim…