CLS’s Angus Scott talks to e-FOREX about the management of intraday liquidity, why it is a high priority for banks and how they can respond cost…

In Cuemacro’s report, author Saeed Amen discusses how using CLS intraday hourly flow data can provide a much clearer picture of the aggregate fl…
CLS’s Alan Marquard explores how the financial industry and regulatory community can realize the benefits that new technologies such as DLT can…
CLS’s Head of Product, Angus Scott, outlines the industry and regulatory drivers requiring banks to efficiently and effectively manage liquidity…
CLS’s Angus Scott talks to FinTech Futures about how by working together, fintech firms and financial market infrastructures can deliver service…
CLS’s Head of Product, Angus Scott, speaks to Finextra about the major trends in foreign exchange settlement, what initiatives are underway to a…
The digital revolution has unleashed a wave of innovation in smart data and artificial intelligence (AI) that is greatly transforming the financ…