By Kieran Hines, Principal Analyst - Retail Banking AI has become a cornerstone of the banking industry, revolutionizing workflows, customer-fac…

By Kieran Hines, Senior Analyst - Retail Banking In his article for The Paypers, Kieran Hines outlines the top three retail banking technology t…
By Kieran Hines, Senior Analyst - Retail Banking Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) are gaining momentum and showing promising growth—since Octo…
Celent analyst Kieran Hines said embedded finance and BaaS were driving a lot of discussion in the industry. “We surveyed a number of banks in E…
Research conducted by Celent has revealed that, in response to commercial pressures and changing scheme and regulatory requirements, payments pr…
“Trust is essential in the banking industry,” added Kieran Hines, principal analyst at Celent. “Accordingly, data security is at the heart of th…
Kieran Hines, an analyst at Celent, which provides tech advice to financial intuitions, told AltFi he had not seen specific data showing older g…
Kieran Hines, analyst at Celent, said: “VRP has huge potential to bring new propositions for merchants and other businesses when it comes to how…
Written by Kieran Hines, senior banking analyst, Celent. Reducing friction is an important goal for financial institutions and their customers a…
Kieran Hines, an analyst at Celent, said it was impossible to gauge open banking spending because it was an enabler of change rather than a defi…
"Banks are coming to recognize that open banking is a two-way street, in that financial institutions can leverage the APIs and customer data fro…
“I think, as an industry, we were consumed with the issue of real-time payments, but it’s so much more than that. There’s another enabler as wel…
Celent analyst Kieran Hines said Starling has focused quite heavily on the quality of its SME offering and is beginning to reap the rewards of t…
As Kieran Hines, Senior Analyst at Celent explains: “The opportunity for banks in payments data monetisation is in adding value in a number of d…
Kieran Hines, analyst at Celent, said there has been growing demand for digital banking services over a number of years. “While it is sensible t…