
Capital Markets Research Outlook 2024

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Capital Markets: 2024 – ROI A Key Focus

As global macroeconomic conditions continue to pose challenges across capital markets, financial institutions (FIs) and financial market infrastructures (FMIs) are refocusing on return on investment (ROI) to ensure tech budgets align strongly with business aims. With regulatory compliance and cost control on the C-suite’s agenda, placing the right bets to innovate and transform requires understanding business cases, workflows, market structure, and regulatory change.

While efficiency and cost containment are in focus, Celent’s latest research found tech spending is often increasing. Whether spending to save, by modernizing and automating, or by building competitive advantage through new products and services, the rapid changes in and convergence of multiple technologies demand increased investment. As organic business growth can prove challenging, finanical institutions and financial market infrastructures are looking for new sources of revenue growth, whether through client expansion or new products and services. Technology can be an enabler and/or catalyst for this growth.

Capital markets is a highly interconnected ecosystem of financial institutions, so achieving success is a network play. The entities making up the network across the buy side, sell side, financial market infrastructures and finanical solution/service providers interact in numerous and increasingly blurring ways. From client, service provider, partner and/or competitor, this state of interconnectedness creates overlaps in themes across the capital markets landscape.

Celent has identified five key business themes that are driving technology spending and strategy for 2024, which help focus of our research: integrating and enlarging client proposition, refocusing on ROI, separating tactics and strategy in meeting regulatory change, bridging workflows/solutions for DLT/digital assets and private markets, and determining the value of data.

Our research this year continues to focus on technology’s relationship to these themes and how solution providers are responding and evolving in response.


The Capital Markets team offers a dual stream of technology research, with

  • One stream focusing on helping clients understand enterprise and emerging technology trends in the context of the capital markets ecosystem (e.g. Business model change, business use case).
  • A second stream focuses on the competitive landscape of solutions in specific sub-verticals across capital markets.

Reports include primers and data-driven analysis based on industry outreach including interviews with strategy makers, budget holders, as well as industry-specific polls and panels. Analysts are available to speak with directly as well.

Key Trends in Focus Across Enterprise and Emerging Technology

  • Cloud adoption acceleration creating new uses cases and business models.
  • Experimentation and development of GenAI use cases specific to capital markets.
  • Integrating tokenized assets into traditional financial markets infrastructure.
  • Leveraging blockchain technology to transform capital markets workflows.
  • Increasing sophistication around enterprise data management e.g. data fabrics.
  • Data monetization via APIs, platforms and data marketplaces.

Examples of Primers & Provider Landscape in our research focus includes:

  • Thematic e.g., GenAI, Private Assets, Trading Technology, Tokenization, Market Data in the Cloud, ESG/climate, Private Asset Solutions
  • Future of Post Trade and key Solution Landscapes and Solutions e.g. corporate actions, transaction reporting
  • Risk Technology
  • Treasury and Collateral solutions

Examples of Outreach-based Research: Interviews, Surveys, Polls, Panels

These and other annual benchmarking reports help executives prepare business plans and make strategic technology choices and investments. For example, our Dimensions series of reports on technology priorities and strategy, based on a survey of global buy and sell side firms.

Contact us for more information about what we have planned in Q3.

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