
Pricing and Valuation Systems

VendorMatch Directory

Find pricing and valuation systems on our financial technology solutions research platform, use the directory for vendor discovery, and use our guide to compare and evaluate fintech software including reports and RFIs on functionality covering support for financial instrument valuations, risk valuations and use of curves and models to price OTC and illiquid securities used by financial institutions including asset managers, banks, insurance companies, wealth managers and pension funds.
  • valantic FSA mission is to help our clients digitize, automate, and increase their electronic trading business's value streams. The valantic eTr…
  • The Alta E/OMS platform is the industries first front-to-back system capable of handling complex fund structures and OTC instruments out of the…
  • JANUS Risk Manager is a multi-asset, multi-currency and multi-market real-time risk management, transaction monitoring and surveillance system,…
  • Axioma Risk is an enterprise-wide risk-management system that enables clients to obtain timely, consistent and comparable views of risk across t…
  • Oneview Asset Management is a cross-asset real-time risk and portfolio management solution for asset managers designed to provide institutional…
  • Q.Refinery uses artificial intelligence to accurately cleanse and curate a bank’s raw customer transaction data, building up thousands of attrib…
  • Single Platform. Real-time. Fuelling business growth for the treasurer. Integrated Treasury and ALM Solution Treasury has a critical role to pla…
  • PortfolioOne, is a turnkey, cloud-hosted, SaaS based solution that employs advanced big data principles and an intuitive, modern UI to address t…
  • PFTPro is a Wealth Management digitalization suite which supports the entire investment process. It is composed of independent, yet tightly inte…
  • The ZagTrader Asset and Portfolio Management System (AMS) is a one-stop shop that will simplify all your operations so you can focus on your cor…
  • Wealth360 Fund Accounting is a robust solution designed for financial institutions, offering comprehensive fund accounting capabilities, includi…
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