Clarus Risk RiskMonitor® is an institutional risk aggregation and reporting solution which provides an objective, point in time appraisal of investment risk compliance. RiskMonitor® represents best practice in risk reporting and governance and demonstrates oversight and governance of funds to boards and their investors.
RiskMonitor® utilizes industry-leading financial technology and experience of a wide range of asset classes including complex derivative and illiquid assets. Presentation quality reporting includes chapters on: investment risk compliance; market risk analysis, and liquidity risk analysis.
Key Features
Key features of RiskMonitor®:
- Independent assessment of compliance with investment risk parameters.
- Forms part of risk management policy and risk protocol.
- Independent record keeping of investment risk by position.
- Compatible with all major asset classes and investment strategies.
- AIFMD compliant risk metrics.
- Customizable report templates.
- Annex IV reporting.