Finastra Summit solves the many challenges of today’s markets. It combines unique coverage of vanilla and complex derivatives with powerful workflow tools to provide a fully integrated, front-to-back solution.
The last few years have seen significant change in capital markets, particularly in the area of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. Combined with these shifts, regulatory reform has meant considerable investment in the supporting processes and the solutions needed. In this context, how can you regain the competitive edge? Summit is a proven, award-winning solution in the OTC derivatives market.
Built on over 25 years of market expertise, it helps banks meet these challenges head-on and stay one step ahead. It offers a functionally rich core trading solution for treasury and capital markets that supports business growth, improves straight-through processing (STP), shortens time to market while reducing costs.
The system combines OTC derivatives, FX, fixed income and structured products coverage with seamless front-to-back workflow, with sophisticated trader tools, risk management and real-time processing. It manages the complexities of pricing, booking, limits management and regulation on a single platform that is continually proven in some of the world’s toughest trading environments.
Join other successful institutions. More than 160 of the world’s top banks rely on Summit to support their trading desk activity. Finastra has over 25 years of practical expertise gained at the heart of the derivatives market. Banks that choose Finastra Summit benefit from instant access to our market specialists and best practice methods.
Key Features
Accelerate time to market
Gain a competitive edge in the market and build and price new structured trades quickly and efficiently.
Better decisions in real-time
Benefit from real-time P&L and monitor spreads, perform what-if scenarios, check credit lines and make better informed decisions, more quickly. Real-time blotters provide you with immediate views of the trading position with immediate access to the underlying trades.
Advanced desk-level risk analytics
Link market and credit risk, with asset and liability management within a single architecture that includes live feeds, providing a clear, consistent view of risk across a wide range of asset classes.
Advanced pricing and curves
Combine highly flexible inbuilt pricing with fast access to the best market analytics. The system works with your own inhouse models and the marketleading providers to offer the widest possible choice across your business.
Componentised approach
Choose from a range of FusionCapital Global Components and integrate as required to build a powerful global solution with business-wide functionality across all your trading desks for both Misys and non-Misys systems.
Unsurpassed OTC derivatives coverage
Ease the burden of handling OTC derivative trades with unsurpassed coverage that supports high volume flow and complex trading environments. The solution supports a full range of OTC derivatives including interest rate, inflation, credit, equity, commodity and foreign exchange. Central clearing and new market practices for derivatives are fully covered.
Structured trading
Create structured products from multiple underlying assets including: interest rate, credit, bonds, foreign exchange, equity, commodity and inflation. Traders can use templates to create commonly traded structured products easily and quickly. Structured products are integrated within your operational workflow and risk management procedures.
Vanilla and structured fixed income
Meets the fixed income demands of bond dealers, issuers, market makers and treasurers. FusionCapital Summit covers a wide range of security instruments ranging from an extensive range of bonds and repos through to mortgage- and assetbacked securities.
Benefit from all the tools you need for a treasury trading solution that supports high volume trading, including simple deal entry, comprehensive trade variant support, seamless creation of FX swaps, easy hedging and P&L calculation to support the highest trade volumes.
Exchange traded derivatives:
Achieve comprehensive coverage for exchange traded derivatives handling positions and margin calls and associated collateral in real-time.
Market risk: Run analyses at portfolio level and drill down to specific areas or individual trades. Market risk analysis includes delta, gamma, vega, theta and hedge analysis through to what-if scenarios and value at risk. •
Credit risk:
Choose from a wide range of sophisticated tools to manage credit risk and combine detailed analyses with real-time credit limit checking. View consolidated exposures with a straight forward mechanism for defining individual limits according to product counterparty and term structure.
An integrated view of risk
Use in conjunction with FusionRisk to build an aggregated view of risk at the enterprise level. This delivers greater transparency across trading systems for smoother and more accurate risk and regulatory reporting.
Collateral and margin management:
Monitor, measure and manage counterparty exposure across asset classes and in real-time and view a consolidated picture in the credit risk module. FusionCapital Summit has evolved this module over ten years to meet latest market requirements, including the new margin management practices for listed and cleared derivatives.
Capturing the lifecycle of all instruments and streamlining operations enables a 50% reduction in internal support costs:
Workflow is automated from confirmation generation, settlement messaging and payment processing through to real-time trade position viewers and accounting. This enables streamlined operations, increased STP and reduced costs. Save time by managing by exception and focusing on those deals and tasks that require attention, notified by desktop alerts and notifications. Real-time, event driven workflow includes the generation of relevant documents and messages, such as cash and securities confirmations, netting and payment messaging. •
Central counterparty clearing:
Meet regulatory demands for increased transparency and enhanced risk management in a centrally cleared environment. FusionCapital Summit provides advanced STP, a comprehensive trade repository, plus cross-asset collateral and margin management for both OTC and exchange-traded derivatives
Comprehensive cross-asset accounting
A full range of lifecycle events for all asset classes: Choose from a range of multiple accounting treatments to be run in addition to back-valuation, automatic posting and account reclassification, while maintaining book and value-dated balances. • Customisable accounts: Create a charts of accounts and link seamlessly to a wide range of external general ledger systems. FusionCapital Summit meets the latest regulatory needs for derivatives accounting including IAS39 and FAS133