
Finastra Kondor

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Finastra Kondor

Treasurers are positioned to make better decisions, communicate efficiently, and lead confidently.

Fusion Treasury makes the most of existing technology while deploying flexible tools that meet changing market and regulatory demands.

  1. Comprehensive scenario analysis
  2. Unique interface brings liquidity, risk, and profitability together in one screen
  3. An inclusive end-to-end eFX trading solution across distribution, position-keeping, post-trade and payments with SeamlessFX
  4. Calculation engine enables key analytic measures such as liquidity and IRR gaps, NPV, sensitivities, FTP and margin analysis, and at-risk measures including VaR, EaR, and ES
  5. Reporting of LCR and NSFR for international and national discretions

Key Benefits

  • Increase profitability
  • Optimize capital allocation
  • Improve risk management
  • Achieve greater integration