TRG Screen has now released FITS 4.03b including key features such as the New Workday HCM API-based Data Interface Module and improved handling for overlapping invoices.
New Workday HCM API-based Data Interface Module
FITS now supports uploading Human Resource, Corporate Structure and Buildings data directly from the Workday HCM system via Workday’s web services API. This allows you to automate the upload of your corporate data and remove the need for manual file imports. This facility is available without additional charge to all licensees of the FITS Corporate Upload Data Interface Modules.
Improved handling for overlapping invoices
If entering an invoice for a billing account and time period already covered by another invoice, FITS will now warn you to avoid accidental duplicate entry. If you proceed because you have an overlapping invoice FITS will now only carry over line items which were excluded as not part of the previous invoice.