Profile Software launches RiskAvert, the Risk Management solution for regulatory capital calculations and reporting
Profile Software, an international financial solutions provider, with a proven track record on delivering risk management solutions across Europe, announced today the launch of RiskAvert its advanced regulatory capital calculation and reporting platform.
RiskAvert is a comprehensive Basel II/III solution addressing the calculation, group consolidation and reporting of credit, market and operation risk. Built on the latest widely used technologies, ensures seamless integration of the Financial Institutions’ data sources, scalability and unique user experience.
The solution is designed to accommodate the ever growing pressure on FI to produce accurate and timely regulatory reports, while delivering streamlined processes and greater risk insight. Its sophisticated credit risk engine measures and reports on regulatory credit risk capital under all approaches, thus allowing the Bank to evolve from the Standardised towards the IRB approaches. Also, its highly effective and customisable CRM Allocation engine enables the optimisation of Credit Risk Mitigants for minimising capital requirements.
Supervisory review and multi-dimensional what-if analysis, applying sensitivity shocks and scenario analysis through idiosyncratic, systemic and combined approaches are effectively accommodated via its holistic stress testing framework and the extensive concentration risk measures calculation and reporting. MIS tools inbuilt to the system allow for delivering a wide range of reports for concentration risk, covering the majority of Market Discipline Disclosure, and also provide the ability for creating unlimited regular and ad hoc MIS reports.
The solution fully encompasses the EU-CRD framework, as well as other Basel flavours. All regulatory parameters are auditable and alternatives that drive the calculations are user-configurable. Several national discretion possibilities are coming of-the-box, including regulatory reporting templates for several jurisdictions. Special tools are provided for the management and authorised, auditable changes on risk data and on regulatory reports are also available.
RiskAvert has been developed based on the many years of experience of Profile’s team in implementing similar projects in numerous international Banks, while offering an open architecture and a powerful regulatory and risk MIS reporting engine.