Insurance Executive Roundtable - North America - For Insurers Only
Executive roundtables are a full day of networking with peers on topics of interest. We’ll present some of our own research, and then will have a variety of panel sessions facilitated by our analysts who will present some of their own research. Other insurer executives will also participate as panellists. Typically, these sessions are attended by business and IT; Life and PC; and large and small insurers – including some insurtechs from time to time.
We’re still working on the details of the formal agenda.Our working version is below and we’ll post updates as we finalize them here. We’ve built in plenty of networking time for you to connect with your peers.
Space is limited to 35 and participants must hold a leadership role in their organization. If you’re interested in attending, please notify Karlyn Carnahan at
8:00 – 8:30: Coffee and Networking
8:30 – 8:45: Introduction and Welcome
8:45 – 9:45: Keynote: Celent’s View of 2025 (Karlyn Carnahan)
It's 2025. Has the future finally arrived? Having come through the pandemic and seen the onset of generative AI, what new opportunities does technology create for insurers, and how can they navigate the new challenges it brings? Karlyn Carnahan provides a state of the industry look at the year (and years) ahead.
9:45 – 10:40: Investing in IT to Bring the Future Home: Budgets and Technology Priorities for 2025 (Harry Huberty)
Technology drives value for insurers and customers alike, but carrier IT functions often have to balance competing priorities or make tough choices about where to invest. This session presents insurers’ 2025 technology pressures and priorities as seen in Celent’s IT Dimensions study.
10:40 – 11:00: Break and Networking
11:00 – 12:00: Generative AI Has Arrived. How Have Insurers Realized Value? (moderated by Keith Raymond)
In this panel discussion, insurer executives will share success stories from utilizing generative AI in their companies. Keith Raymond will proctor a conversation that will cover applications, designing pilots, operationalization, and governance. The final portion of the session will be reserved for open questions from attendees.
12:00 – 1:00: Lunch and Networking
1:00 – 2:00: Insurers’ Customer Experience Balancing Act: Investing in Retention and Relationships (Nathan Golia)
Facing cost pressures at home and work, policyholders and prospects demand that carriers demonstrate their value across the value chain. At the same time, the digitalization of all commerce affects their desire for speedy online sales and service. Leveraging research into customer interaction points like portals, and detailed buying data from small business owners, this session will help insurers identify quick wins and long-term projects to improve customer acquisition and retention.
2:00 – 2:30: What’s Next for AI: What Artificial General Intelligence Could Mean for Insurers (Donald Light)
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is possibly the next stage in the development of AI and Gen AI. According to OpenAI, AGI consists of “highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work.” This session will unpack that brief definition and consider the implications of AGI for insurers for good and for ill over a three to five year planning horizon.
2:30 – 2:50: Break and Networking
2:50 – 3:40: If You Pay Them, Will They Come? Insights on Compensation from Producers (Karen Monks)
How much do commissions and services truly matter to agents, and how much control do carriers really have over business placement? Karen Monks will present insights from a January 2025 study of agents, with time reserved for questions from the audience.
3:40 – 4:40: Fueling the Future: Modernizing Your Data Environment to Power New Insights and Capabilities (moderated by Jaspaul Saini)
All next-gen capabilities in insurance technology ultimately come down to data: how much of it is gathered, how available it is, how it’s analyzed, and how effectively that analysis can be put into practice. Jaspaul Saini will lead a discussion with insurance data experts who have led their organizations through data modernization projects to examine the key elements and best practices of achieving a future-ready data environment.
4:40 – 5:00: Closing Thoughts and Farewell (Karlyn Carnahan)