
Life & Health Digital Strategies: Cheaper, Smarter, Faster, Better

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30 September 2014


Life & health insurers can make significant improvements in their top lines, bottom lines, and brands through the thoughtful development and careful implementation of digital strategies. Doing so requires an understanding of how digital strategies differ from conventional strategies, the nature of digital goals, and the way digital enablers of those strategies will significantly change over the next few years.

A digital strategy is a set of high-level digital activities (or a combination of digital and physical activities) designed to achieve digital goals.

"A variety of digital strategies can be created within any life/health process, whether new business, policyholder service, or claims," says Donald Light, director of Celent’s Americas Property/Casualty practice and author of the report. "Each digital strategy is aimed at achieving specific digital goals, and uses either current or future enablers."